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  • Textbook
Speaking of Culture
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0.0 stars

The purpose of Speaking of Culture is to define culture and many other concepts associated with it. My hope is that the readings in this book will help you to better understand the breadth of the concept of culture and provide you with a vocabulary for discussing it more articulately.

Culture is one of those broad concepts that is used widely, although somewhat imprecisely, in everyday English. It also cuts across many academic disciplines, and this book draws on many of them. It touches, for instance, on anthropology, biology, history, mythology, political science, psychology, and sociology.

Arts and Humanities
Business and Communication
Social Science
World Cultures
Material Type:
Nolan Weil
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Special Education in Secondary Schools
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0.0 stars

This textbook provides information on the practice of teaching special education in the secondary schools. Research-based practices are explained for supporting student functioning in language arts, math, and other content areas. Specifically, the eight chapters address: (1) Introduction to secondary special education; (2) Curriculum-based measures to inform learning; (3) Strategies for working in a co-teaching environment; (4) Strategies for improving student behavior; (5) Strategies to support post-secondary transition; (6) Strategies for improving student outcomes in reading; (7) Strategies improving student outcomes in writing; and (8) Strategies for improving student outcomes in math.

Special Education
Material Type:
New Prairie Press
Mickey Losinski
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Special Relativity
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0.0 stars

This a textbook on special relativity, aimed at undergraduates who have already completed a freshman survey course. The treatment of electromagnetism assumes previous exposure to Maxwell's equations in integral form, but no knowledge of vector calculus.

Physical Science
Material Type:
Light and Matter
Provider Set:
Light and Matter Books
Benjamin Crowell, Fullerton College
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Spiral Workbook for Discrete Mathematics
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0.0 stars

This is a text that covers the standard topics in a sophomore-level course in discrete mathematics: logic, sets, proof techniques, basic number theory, functions, relations, and elementary combinatorics, with an emphasis on motivation. It explains and clarifies the unwritten conventions in mathematics, and guides the students through a detailed discussion on how a proof is revised from its draft to a final polished form. Hands-on exercises help students understand a concept soon after learning it. The text adopts a spiral approach: many topics are revisited multiple times, sometimes from a different perspective or at a higher level of complexity. The goal is to slowly develop students’ problem-solving and writing skills.

Numbers and Operations
Material Type:
State University of New York
Provider Set:
Milne Open Textbooks
Harris Kwong, SUNY Fredonia
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Spunti: Italiano elementare 2
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0.0 stars

Buongiorno! Welcome to Spunti: Italiano elementare 2 – a new, unique program, authored by the Italian faculty of Muhlenberg College, that takes the place of a traditional language textbook. Spunti is a fully designed course that a college instructor of Italian can use and adapt.

Arts and Humanities
Material Type:
Daniel Leisawitz
Daniela Viale
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Spunti: Italiano intermedio
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0.0 stars

Welcome to Spunti: italiano intermedio – a unique program, authored by the Italian faculty of Muhlenberg College, that takes the place of a traditional language textbook. Spunti is a fully designed course that a college instructor of Italian can use and adapt.

Arts and Humanities
Material Type:
Muhlenberg College
Daniela Viale
Date Added:
Squeak by Example
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0.0 stars

Squeak is a modern open-source development environment for the classic Smalltalk-80 programming language. Despite being the first purely object-oriented language and environment, Smalltalk is in many ways still far ahead of its successors in promoting a vision of an environment where everything is an object, and anything can change at run-time.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
Andrew Black
Damien Pollet
Oscar Nierstrasz
Stéphane Ducasse
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Stand up, Speak out: The Practice and Ethics of Public Speaking
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From audience analysis to giving a presentation, Stand up, Speak out: The Practice and Ethics of Public Speaking will guide students through the speech making process. The authors focus on the process of speech making because they have created this book to be a user-friendly guide to creating, researching, and presenting public speeches. While both classic and current academic research in public speaking guide this book, the authors believe that a new textbook in public speaking should first, and foremost, be a practical book that helps students prepare and deliver a variety of different types of speeches — and that is the primary goal of this book.With practicality in mind, the authors developed, Stand up, Speak out: The Practice and Ethics of Public Speaking, as a streamlined public speaking textbook. Many public speaking textbooks today contain over twenty different chapters, which is often impossible to cover in a ten-week quarter or a sixteen-week semester; this textbook is eighteen unique chapters. The fifteen chapters are divided into four clear units of information: introduction to public speaking, speech preparation, speech creation, and speech presentation.

Business and Communication
Material Type:
University of Minnesota
Provider Set:
University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing
Jason Wrench, Anne Goding, Danette Johnson, Bernardo Attias
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Statistical Inference For Everyone
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This is a new approach to an introductory statistical inference textbook, motivated by probability theory as logic. It is targeted to the typical Statistics 101 college student, and covers the topics typically covered in the first semester of such a course. It is freely available under the Creative Commons License, and includes a software library in Python for making some of the calculations and visualizations easier.

Statistics and Probability
Material Type:
Brian Blais
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Statistical Thinking for the 21st Century
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0.0 stars

Statistical thinking is a way of understanding a complex world by describing it in relatively simple terms that nonetheless capture essential aspects of its structure, and that also provide us some idea of how uncertain we are about our knowledge. The foundations of statistical thinking come primarily from mathematics and statistics, but also from computer science, psychology, and other fields of study.

Statistics and Probability
Material Type:
Russel A. Poldrack
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Steps to Success: Crossing the Bridge Between Literacy Research and Practice
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0.0 stars

Steps to Success: Crossing the Bridge Between Literacy Research and Practice introduces instructional strategies linked to the most current research-supported practices in the field of literacy. The book includes chapters related to scientifically-based literacy research, early literacy development, literacy assessment, digital age influences on children’s literature, literacy development in underserved student groups, secondary literacy instructional strategies, literacy and modern language, and critical discourse analysis. Chapters are written by authors with expertise in both college teaching and the delivery of research-supported literacy practices in schools. The book features detailed explanations of a wide variety of literacy strategies that can be implemented by both beginning and expert practitioners. Readers will gain knowledge about topics frequently covered in college literacy courses, along with guided practice for applying this knowledge in their future or current classrooms. The book’s success-oriented framework helps guide educators toward improving their own practices and is designed to foster the literacy development of students of all ages.

English Language Arts
Material Type:
State University of New York
Provider Set:
Milne Open Textbooks
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The Story of Contract Law: Formation
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This book, revised as the Third Edition July 2019, is designed to teach contract doctrine beginning with the most fundamental concepts and building on these until the structure of contract doctrine as coherent and cohesive regulation appears. The order of presentation is, in fact, the order in which contract doctrine developed historically, but it is also, in general, the order in which arguments are introduced in litigation.

The book begins with the most basic, core concept of contract law—exchange. The book teaches exchange using simple cases drawn from the actual development of the exchange concept’s most obvious manifestation—the doctrine of consideration. These cases have basic but engaging facts. They do not take long to read, but they must be read carefully. They make an excellent introduction to law study.

Logically, every doctrine of contract formation is centered on whether and when a fair exchange occurred. In litigation, the plaintiff alleges a promise and consideration—an exchange (a plausible one, and therefore fair enough at that point). Defenses to formation are a response to the allegation that a fair exchange occurred. Allegations of both promise and consideration show that the defendant assented. As between assent and exchange, exchange is the more fundamental concept, but because the law talks so often about assent, assent is covered at length afterward so that the function of the assent doctrines is apparent.

Other doctrines, such as remedies (just an introduction in this first volume), waiver, seals, the Statute of Frauds, definiteness, and general public policy limitations are placed where students can best grasp their import in the context of the other doctrines.

Along the way, most of the doctrines in the book are repeated in the cases, questions, or in class discussion. This repetition cements understanding, builds trust, and also allows students to see how the doctrines mesh together to regulate coherently.

This book is intended for use in the first three-credit half of a six-credit course.

Material Type:
The Center for Computer Assisted Legal Instruction (CALI)
Provider Set:
The eLangdell Bookstore
Val Ricks
Date Added:
The Story of Contract Law: Implementing the Bargain
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0.0 stars

This book is a companion volume to Volume I, "The Story of Contract Law: Formation." Volume I introduces students to law study and teaches basic doctrines of contract formation along with formation defenses. This book, Volume II, The Story of Contract Law: Implementing the Bargain, covers the rest of basic contract doctrine, namely, laws that
1) determine the content of the bargain (plain meaning, usage and custom, good faith, mistake in transmission, parol evidence, and express and constructive conditions);
2) govern the effect of events that occur after formation (impracticability, frustration, failure of consideration, and risk of loss);
3) set remedies—rescission, damages, specific performance—available to courts when liability exists; and
4) establish the rights of third parties in contracts by assignment or delegation or as third-party beneficiaries.

This book includes many classic teaching cases and introduces new ones. The book also includes many problems, most based on actual cases. The book takes especial care with the doctrine of concurrent conditions, a common-law rule adopted in the late 1700s that required doctrinal readjustment across all the law governing contract performance and remedies.

This volume also continues several themes from Volume I. Volume II continues to tie rules to contract law’s central structural idea, that of fair exchange. Also, to the extent helpful to student understanding, Volume II explains doctrines in part through their chronological development. The book introduces the doctrines in the order best conducive to students’ understanding contract law as a regulatory whole; for this volume, it is the order in which the doctrines arise in litigation. Finally, where possible, this volume repeats ideas at helpful points and suggests ties between doctrines so that the structural coherence of contract doctrine becomes easier to understand.

Material Type:
The Center for Computer Assisted Legal Instruction (CALI)
Provider Set:
The eLangdell Bookstore
Val Ricks
Date Added:
Strategic Management
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0.0 stars

Strategic Management (2020) is a 343-page open educational resource designed as an introduction to the key topics and themes of strategic management. The open textbook is intended for a senior capstone course in an undergraduate business program and suitable for a wide range of undergraduate business students including those majoring in marketing, management, business administration, accounting, finance, real estate, business information technology, and hospitality and tourism. The text presents examples of familiar companies and personalities to illustrate the different strategies used by today’s firms and how they go about implementing those strategies. It includes case studies, end of section key takeaways, exercises, and links to external videos, and an end-of-book glossary. The text is ideal for courses which focus on how organizations operate at the strategic level to be successful. Students will learn how to conduct case analyses, measure organizational performance, and conduct external and internal analyses.

If you are an instructor reviewing, adopting, or adapting this textbook, please help us understand your use by filling out this form http://bit.ly/strategy-interest

How to Access this Book This text is available in multiple formats including PDF, a low-resolution PDF which is faster to download, Open Document Format (ODT), and ePub. It is also available online in Pressbooks at https://pressbooks.lib.vt.edu/strategicmanagement. Softcover print on demand options are available in color interior (https://www.amazon.com/dp/1949373940) or black & white interior (https://www.amazon.com/dp/1949373894). The main landing page for this book is: https://doi.org/10.21061/strategicmanagement.

Attribution This textbook was adapted for use in Virginia Tech’s Pamplin College of Business capstone course, MGT 4394 Strategic Management, and is shared under a Creative Commons Non-Commercial ShareAlike 3.0 license. It is adapted without attribution to the original 2010 author or publisher at their request. It is adapted from Mastering Strategic Management which was published by the University of Minnesota Publishing in 2015 as an adaptation of the 2010 version. University of Minnesota Publishing reformatted the original text, and replaced some images and figures to make the resulting whole more shareable but did not otherwise significantly alter or update the original 2010 text.

Instructor Resource Portal in OER Commons

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Mastering Strategy: Art and Science
Chapter 2: Assessing Organizational Performance
Chapter 3: Evaluating the External Environment
Chapter 4: Evaluating the Internal Environment
Chapter 5: Synthesis of Strategic Issues and Analysis
Chapter 6: Selecting Business-Level Strategies
Chapter 7: Innovation Strategies
Chapter 8: Selecting Corporate-Level Strategies
Chapter 9: Competing in International Markets
Chapter 10: Executing Strategy through Organizational Design
Chapter 11: Leading an Ethical Organization: Corporate Governance, Corporate Ethics, and Social Responsibility
About the Author / Editorial and Production Teams
Version Notes

This work is published by Virginia Tech’s Pamplin College of Business in association with Virginia Tech Publishing.

Suggested Citation Kennedy, Reed. (2020) Strategic Management. Blacksburg, VA: Virginia Tech Publishing. https://doi.org/10.21061/strategicmanagement CC BY NC-SA 3.0

About the Previous Author
The publisher of the 2010 version of this book requested that they and the original author not receive attribution.

This Version
Primary Contributor: Reed B. Kennedy
Reviewer / Contributors: Eli Jamison, Joseph Simpson, Pankaj Kumar, Ayenda Kemp, Kiran Awate, and Kathleen Manning
Cover Design, Illustration, and Alternative Text; Student Reviewer: Kindred Grey
Research and Editorial Assistant; Student Reviewer: Kathleen Manning
Managing Editor: Anita Walz
Production Editor: Robert Browder
Copyeditors: Grace Baggett, Lauren Holt

ISBN 978-1-949373-94-3 (print-color)
ISBN 978-1-949373-89-9 (print-black & white)
ISBN 978-1-949373-96-7 (ebook-PDF)
ISBN 978-1-949373-95-0 (ebook-Pressbooks)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.21061/strategicmanagement

Accessibility Virginia Tech Publishing is committed to making its publications accessible in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. The HTML and screen reader–friendly PDF versions of this book utilize header structures and include alternative text which allow for machine-readability.

Business and Communication
Material Type:
Virginia Tech
Provider Set:
VTech Works
Awate Kiran
Jamison Eli
Kemp Ayenda
Kennedy Reed
Kumar Pankaj
Manning Kathleen
Simpson Joseph
Date Added:
Strategies for Academic Success
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0.0 stars

Strategies for Academic Success accompanies the online first-year University of Saskatchewan Arts and Science course by the same name. The textbook has a reader-friendly format arranged to help you develop the essential skills and provide the information you need to succeed in university.

Higher Education
Material Type:
University of Saskatchewan
Provider Set:
Distance Education Unit
Date Added:
Structural Geology & Map Interpretation
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0.0 stars

The discipline of structural geology studies the architecture of the solid Earth and other planets. Rock deformation patterns are exciting features beacause of their aesthetic beauty and their economic interest to man. Knowledge of the subsurface structure is vital for the success of a variety of engineering and mineral exploration pograms. A thorough understanding of rock structures is essential for strategic planning in the petroleum and mining industry, in construction operations, in waste disposal surveys and for water exploration. Deformation structures in the country rock are important further for locallizing hazard zones, such as potential rockslide masses, ground subsidence, and seismic faults. Research activities concentrate on rock defomation structures in he shallow continental crust.

Physical Science
Material Type:
Delft University of Technology
Provider Set:
Delft University OpenCourseWare
R. Weijermars
Date Added:
Succeeding at Your Internship: A Handbook Written for and with Students
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0.0 stars

There are several textbooks for students whose majors include internships in human services, broadly defi­­­ned, such case management, counseling, criminal justice, and social work. Most of these books are written in an academic format. Typically, it involves an introduction to a theoretical orientation that concerns working with others followed by a series of chapters devoted to learning professional skills associated with a given discipline. This approach is fine, as far as it goes, but also has two drawbacks. One is that the texts are usually sold by main stream publishers, which means they are expensive. Another is that they seldom address what might be described as the experiential dimension of the internship that most beginners face on their own. This new book addresses both concerns. The fact that it is offered as a free text addresses the first issue, of course, but the second one requires a new approach. It began with asking students to talk about what they experienced when going through their first internship and what they would tell others about how to make it a successful one. That work led to a structured narrative about basic practical topics, such as finding an internship, getting started there, making effective use of supervision, understanding ethics, appreciating cultural diversity, becoming competent, and completing the internship. The text includes descriptions, suggestions, and exercises. It may be used as either a primary course text or, due to its relative brevity, a supplemental one. Although the lead editor is an experienced clinician and professor who has supervised internships for a variety of human services majors over many years, the book was written with and for students to make it more readable and more useful.

Career and Technical Education
Material Type:
Bowling Green State University
Christopher J. Mruk
Date Added:
Supporting Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities & Mental Illness
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This multidisciplinary resource develops topics of interest to all those who care about and for individuals with co-occurring intellectual disabilities and mental illness. Each chapter presents current evidence informed practice knowledge. Each topic is also presented with audio enabled text boxes emphasizing 'Key Points for Caregivers.' For those who are interested in background knowledge, we provided the comprehensive literature base. And, for those interested mainly in 'what to do,' we provided text box summaries for reading and listening.

Material Type:
Provider Set:
BCcampus Open Textbooks
Cheryl Crocker
Debra Dusome
Elizabeth Athens
John Simpson
Sherri Melrose
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Sustainability: A Comprehensive Foundation
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0.0 stars

With "Sustainability: A Comprehensive Foundation", first and second-year college students are introduced to this expanding new field, comprehensively exploring the essential concepts from every branch of knowldege Đ including engineering and the applied arts, natural and social sciences, and the humanities. As sustainability is a multi-disciplinary area of study, the text is the product of multiple authors drawn from the diverse faculty of the University of Illinois: each chapter is written by a recognized expert in the field. This text is designed to introduce the reader to the essential concepts of sustainability. This subject is of vital importance seeking as it does to uncover the principles of the long-term welfare of all the peoples of the planet but is only peripherally served by existing college textbooks.

Applied Science
Environmental Science
Material Type:
Rice University
Provider Set:
OpenStax CNX
Amid Khodadoust
Amy Ando
Andrew Leakey
Angela Kent
Cindy Klein-Banai
David Grimley
Dennis Ruez
Eric Snodgrass
Eugene Goldfarb
George Crabtree
Gillen Wood
Jeffrey Brawn
John Cuttica
John Regalbuto
Jonathan Tomkin
Julie Cidell
Krishna Reddy
Martin Jaffe
Michael Ward
Riza Kizilel
Rob Kanter
Said Al-Hallaj
Serap Erdal
Sohail Murad
Steve Altaner
Tom Theis
Date Added:
Sustainability, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship
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This book is suited for the Entrepreneurship or Innovation course with an emphasis on Sustainability or for a course devoted entirely to Sustainability.

What are the trends and forces underlying the changing character of the business-environment relationship? How they are creating significant entrepreneurial opportunities for individuals and companies? Around the world, the movement toward “sustainable development” has caused many firms to adopt policies and practices that reflect what is sometimes called a “sustainable business” or “triple bottom line” approach. “Triple bottom line” refers to the demonstration of strong performance across economic, social, and environmental indicators. Those measures serve as indicators of fiduciary responsibility to a growing set of concerned investors and therefore can help ensure access to capital. They also enable innovators to lower costs, create strategic differentiation, reduce risk, and position themselves for competitive advantage over rivals less attuned to trends.

The deep roots of sustainability thinking are now evident in widespread and increasingly visible activities worldwide, and Sustainability, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship explores this evolution; its necessity, its implications and its progression.

Business and Communication
Social Science
Material Type:
The Saylor Foundation
Provider Set:
Saylor Textbooks
Andrea Larson
Date Added: