You are probably reading this book because you are taking an introductory …
You are probably reading this book because you are taking an introductory Communication course at your college or university. Many colleges and universities around the country require students to take some type of communication course in order to graduate. Introductory Communication classes include courses on public speaking, interpersonal communication, or a class that combines both. While these are some of the most common introductory Communication courses, many Communication departments are now offering an introductory course that explains what Communication is, how it is studied as an academic field, and what areas of specialization make up the field of Communication. In other words, these are survey courses similar to courses such as Introduction to Sociology or Introduction to Psychology. Our goal in this text is to introduce you to the field of Communication as an academic discipline of study.
This course is an introductory subject in the field of electric power …
This course is an introductory subject in the field of electric power systems and electrical to mechanical energy conversion. Electric power has become increasingly important as a way of transmitting and transforming energy in industrial, military and transportation uses. Electric power systems are also at the heart of alternative energy systems, including wind and solar electric, geothermal and small scale hydroelectric generation.
This class explores ways that writers portray human experience in their short …
This class explores ways that writers portray human experience in their short stories, poems and plays. Through class discussions, lectures and creative responses, students will gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of literary works.Ű In this course, students develop and express their own analytic responses to a variety of works of literature, paying special attention to the ways that literary works are crafted and also to the ways that readersŰŞ understanding of literature is subject to your personal perspectives and various theoretical frameworks.Login: guest_oclPassword: ocl
Planet Earth’s ocean covers over seventy percent of its surface, yet oceanographic …
Planet Earth’s ocean covers over seventy percent of its surface, yet oceanographic research has only recently come to its full potential with the advent of new technologies. This course in Introductory Oceanography emphasizes the need to understand geologic, chemical, physical, and biologic processes or features that occur in ocean environments. It is designed to be thorough enough to prepare you for more advance work, while presenting the concepts to non-majors in a way that is meaningful and not overwhelming.Login: guest_oclPassword: ocl
This is an introductory course to Philosophy, which is the study of …
This is an introductory course to Philosophy, which is the study of general and fundamental problems such as those connected with existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language. Students will be introduced to the primary branches of Philosophy - ethics, logic, metaphysics, and epistemology. The course considers philosophers and works of Western Philosophy, including Plato, Hebrew scripture, Schopenhauer, Swedenborg, Buber, Kant, Hume, Locke and Berkeley.
Geology is a core science, along with physics, chemistry, and biology. It …
Geology is a core science, along with physics, chemistry, and biology. It uses rigorous methods of inquiry that illuminate the history of the earth and its present-day geological activity. Geology allows us to discover how earthŰŞs history and activity determine the state of the planet and its life forms. The study of geology also shows us how human behavior affects the earth. Topics we will cover include plate tectonics, earthquakes, volcanoes, rocks, minerals, geologic time, glaciers, rivers, geologic structures, layers of the earth, and reading maps. This course includes laboratory work and lab credit.Login: guest_oclPassword: ocl
Introduction to seismic theory, measurements and processing of seismic data to final …
Introduction to seismic theory, measurements and processing of seismic data to final focussed image for geological and/or physical interpretation.This course deals with the most important aspects of reflection seismics. Theory of seismic waves, aspects of data acquisition (seismic sources, receivers and recorders), and of data processing (CMP processing, velocity analysis, stacking, migration) will be dealt with. The course will be supplemented by a practical of 6 afternoons where the students will see the most important data-processing steps via exercises (in Matlab).
The main goal of the course is to highlight the general assumptions …
The main goal of the course is to highlight the general assumptions and methods that underlie all statistical analysis. The purpose is to get a good understanding of the scope, and the limitations of these methods. We also want to learn as much as possible about the assumptions behind the most common methods, in order to evaluate if they apply with reasonable accuracy to a given situation. Our goal is not so much learning bread and butter techniques: these are pre-programmed in widely available and used software, so much so that a mechanical acquisition of these techniques could be quickly done "on the job". What is more challenging is the evaluation of what the results of a statistical procedure really mean, how reliable they are in given circumstances, and what their limitations are.Login: guest_oclPassword: ocl
The course will discuss the objectives and functions of water management systems …
The course will discuss the objectives and functions of water management systems for irrigation and drainage purposes. Analysing system requirements in terms of technical engineering constraints, management possibilities and water users (wishes and options) is central. This includes the design and operation of regulation structures, dams, reservoirs, weirs and conveyance systems; balancing water supply and water requirements in time and space is a main focus of analysis too.
Runway extension, construction of works in protected areas, subsidizing sustainable projects... they …
Runway extension, construction of works in protected areas, subsidizing sustainable projects... they all happen within a design space, limited amongst others by legal rules and requirements. To make optimal use of the design space, you have to know about these rules and requirements. When does a contract have to be tendered out, what rules are then applicable, what can be subsidized and what are the restrictions, how to comply with air quality requirements and can a frog really block a project? What alternative designs can be given in order to avoid legal problems? These and other problems will be addressed in this course.
This Lifespan Development textbook is an up-to-date summary of human development from …
This Lifespan Development textbook is an up-to-date summary of human development from conception to the end of childhood. The material chosen has relevance to health sciences (nursing and pre-professional), psychology, education, human services/social work, and clinical mental health counseling students. The biopsychology of the developing person is emphasized over the history of psychological theories. The data focuses on American children and society; every effort was made to counter the bias that is implicit in many textbooks on this topic.
Growth and development through the life span including physical, social, cognitive and …
Growth and development through the life span including physical, social, cognitive and neurological development. Topics covered included daycare, education, disabilities, parenting, types of families, gender identity and roles, career decisions, illnesses and treatments, aging, retirement, generativity, and dying.Login: guest_oclPassword: ocl
Vakinhoud: - Leren rekenen met vectoren en matrices. - De methode van …
Vakinhoud: - Leren rekenen met vectoren en matrices. - De methode van rijreductie voor het oplossen van lineaire systemen. - De begrippen lineair onafhankelijk, span en basis - Elementaire lineaire transformaties, de begrippen surjectief en injectief. - De begrippen deelruimte, basis en dimensie en voorbeelden hiervan. - Eigenwaardes en eigenvectoren van een matrix. - Dit vak is een combinatie van de vakken Lineaire Algebra 1 en Lineaire Algebra 2 die bij andere TU-opleidingen aangeboden worden.
Leerdoelen: - Het kennen van basisbegrippen, het gebruik van basismethodes. - Het maken van logische afleidingen met behulp van deze begrippen en methodes
This course is a comprehensive introduction to the structure of the American …
This course is a comprehensive introduction to the structure of the American economy as compared to other economic structures. Supply and demand, GDP, inflation, monetary policy, money and banking, taxation, economic growth, international exchange and comparisons of classical, Keynesian and monetarist economic philosophies are presented. It is required for business majors planning to transfer to 4-year business programs in the state of Washington.Login: guest_oclPassword: ocl
De student die dit vak met goed gevolg heeft doorlopen zal in …
De student die dit vak met goed gevolg heeft doorlopen zal in staat zijn om: (1) Op basis van eigenschappen en gedrag onder externe invloeden een klassificatie te maken van materialen en op basis daarvan een eerste indruk te krijgen van hun geschiktheid in bepaalde toepassingen. (2) Inzicht te verkrijgen in de rol van materialen, materiaalgebruik en materiaalontwikkeling in de ontwikkeling, kwaliteit, mogelijkheden en bedreigingen van de samenleving afhankelijk van tijd, plaats en cultuur. Dit inzicht is gebaseerd op objectieve data. (3) Vast te stellen welke materiaaleigenschappen van kritisch belang zijn in mechanische en andere werktuigbouwkundige ontwerpen, en met behulp van eenduidige criteria materiaalkeuzes in de ontwerpcriteria van constructies te optimaliseren. De belangrijkste eigenschappen die aan de orde komen zijn dichtheid, stijfheid, sterkte, plasticiteit, breuk, vermoeiing, wrijving, slijtage. (4) Mechanische eigenschappen van materialen te herleiden tot chemische bindingen, onderlinge krachten, ordeningspatronen, defecten, en relatieve bewegingsmogelijkheden van atomen. De verschillende lengteschalen die materiaaleigenschappen bepalen staan hierbij centraal. Hiermee zal tevens inzicht verkregen worden in de mogelijkheden en beperkingen van materialen onder extreme omstandigheden en in de strategieën die gevolgd kunnen worden om materialen te verbeteren. (5) Optimale keuzes te maken binnen het beschikbare spectrum van procestechnieken (productie, bewerking, vorming, verbinding, afwerking) om componenten en eindproducten te vervaardigen. (6) Software te gebruiken waarmee, gegeven een aantal vereisten van materiaaleigenschappen, het beste materiaal voor een ontwerp kan worden geselecteerd. Deze materiaaleigenschappen gaan verder dan mechanische eigenschappen alleen. Thermische, elektrische, ecologische, economische en recycling-eigenschappen zullen in voorkomende gevallen ook meegewogen worden.
Mesoscopic physics is the area of Solid State physics that covers the …
Mesoscopic physics is the area of Solid State physics that covers the transition regime between macroscopic objects and the microscopic, atomic world. The main goal of the course is to introduce the physical concepts underlying the phenomena in this field.
System design is the central topic of this course. We move beyond …
System design is the central topic of this course. We move beyond the methods developed in circuit design (although we shall have interest in those) and consider situations in which the functional behavior of a system is the first object under consideration.
This course is a comprehensive introduction to the functions of the market …
This course is a comprehensive introduction to the functions of the market system including allocation of scarce resources, production of goods and services, determination of prices, output and profit maximization in competitive and monopolistic markets. It is required for business majors planning to transfer to 4-year business programs in the state of Washington.Login: guest_oclPassword: ocl
Modelling is about understanding the nature: our world, ourselves and our work. …
Modelling is about understanding the nature: our world, ourselves and our work. Everything that we observe has a cause (typically several) and has the effect thereof. The heart of modelling lies in identifying, understanding and quantifying these cause-and-effect relationships.
A model can be treated as a (selective) representation of a system. We create the model by defining a mapping from the system space to the model space, thus we can map system state and behaviour to model state and behaviour. By defining the inverse mapping, we may map results from the study of the model back to the system. In this course, using an overarching modelling paradigm, students will become familiar with several instances of modelling, e.g., mechanics, thermal dynamics, fluid mechanics, etc.
Music is an important part of human experience and the unending desire …
Music is an important part of human experience and the unending desire to express oneself in creative and imaginative ways. The purpose of this course is to help students further enhance their appreciation for music as a creative tool of the imagination, as entertainment, and as a window into who we are as social beings. Part of the course also helps students to advance their listening skills, which leads to a better understand of what music actually contains. For this purpose, the course explores western classical music; American folk, popular and religious music; along with a sampling of music from non-western cultures. Login: guest_oclPassword: ocl
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