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  • History
Connecticut Model African American/Black and Puerto Rican/Latino Course of Studies, Semester 1: Black Movement for Equality (1915-1965)
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0.0 stars

Developed By: Meghan Geary, Dr. Stacey Close, and Paquita Jarman-SmithThis unit will focus on Black Americans’ movements for equality, both geographical and societal. It will begin with the ideology of Nadir, which triggered the Great Migration of approximately a half million African Americans from Southern to Northern states between 1916 and 1918, and will then explore the fight for equal rights and the enormous contributions of Black people in America during the early 20th century. The unit should help students understand how the events of the period helped shape present-day systems. Topics include: the impact of Jim Crow laws on Black communities and their resistance; The Harlem Renaissance and African American arts; Black Wall Street and the Tulsa Massacre; African American participation in WWI and WWII; the “Red Summer” of 1919; how FDR’s New Deal Fair Housing Act exacerbated segregation and led to current wealth/wage/opportunity gaps; the establishment of important organizations including the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), The Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA), the National Urban League, The Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), The National Council of Negro Women, The Nation of Islam (NOI), The Congress of Racial Equity (CORE), The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC); landmark Supreme Court decisions such as Brown v. BOE; major Civil Rights legislation such as CRA of 1957 and 1964, and the VRA of 1965; Black women’s role in the ongoing revolution; and the contributions of W.E.B. Du Bois, August Wilson, Mary Townsend Seymour, John Lewis, Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune, Constance Baker Motley, Mamie Till and others as detailed in the lessons. In this unit, students will: • Identify tactics, mission, and accomplishments of major groups involved in the movement for equality. • Investigate the causes, consequences, and historical context of key events in this time period. • Evaluate how individuals, groups, and institutions in the United States have both promoted and hindered people’s struggle for freedom, equality, and social justice. • Analyze the role of the federal government in supporting and inhibiting various 20th century civil rights movements. • Analyze the role of women of color in the women’s rights movement.Compelling Question: How successful have Black Americans’ movements for equality been in transforming the dreams, status, and rights of Black Americans in the United States?

Applied Science
Arts and Humanities
U.S. History
World History
Material Type:
Unit of Study
CT State Department of Education
Connecticut Model African American/Black and Puerto Rican/Latino Course of Studies, Semester 1: How African Americans Persisted: Slavery  and Freedom Stories of Resistance and Agency  (1619 to 1819)
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Developed By: Dennis Culliton and Paquita Jarman-Smith Soon after the settlement of New England, slavery, first Indigenous and then African, became a way to support the export driven economy of the region. This unit will focus on slavery in Connecticut, the U.S., sources of that history, and how we can use analytical lenses to interpret the evidence and tell the story of local slavery and the individuals held in captivity. Themes of resistance and agency will be explored. In this unit students will: • Analyze how Africans, African Americans, and their descendants have struggled to gain freedom, equality, and social justice. • Explore the ways in which slavery was embedded in culture and legislation. • Investigate how multiple racial and cultural perspectives influence the interpretation of slavery. Compelling Question: How were some Africans from the global diaspora able to assert their agency to resist slavery; why were other Africans unable to do this?

Applied Science
Arts and Humanities
U.S. History
World History
CT State Department of Education
Connecticut Model African American/Black and Puerto Rican/Latino Course of Studies, Semester 1: Long, Long History for Equality (1865-1915)
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Developed By: Dr. Stacey Close and Paquita Jarman-Smith This unit focuses on the period of Reconstruction (1865-77), Black Settlement, Towns, and Settlers in the West (1865-1915), and the struggle against the Jim Crow System. This unit will also go into detail on the political contributions of African American politicians to the passage of the Reconstruction era: acts and laws that brought the right to citizenship, the right to vote, and public education. In addition, this course will focus on the African past as it relates to the development of the African American culture in the western hemisphere. In this unit, students will:• Examine how Africans and African descendants worked individually and collectively to spark revolutionary change to their existence.• Explore the Reconstruction politics through literature and other accounts from primary documents and impact on Whites and Blacks.Compelling Question:  How was the Reconstruction a success or failure? 

Applied Science
Arts and Humanities
U.S. History
World History
CT State Department of Education
Connecticut Model African American/Black and Puerto Rican/Latino Course of Studies, Semester 1: Protest, Politics, and Power (1965-Present
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0.0 stars

Developed By: David Canton and Paquita Jarman-Smith This unit examines African American history from the political, economic, and cultural impact of Black Power to Black Lives Matter. During this era, African Americans used the vote to demand reform, created organizations such as the Black Panther Party to address police brutality, and created independent social programs. Since 1965, African Americans have made major progress, such as an increase of college graduates and decrease in poverty rate; however, institutional racism continues to undermine the progress of African Americans and African and Black Caribbean immigrants as well as an expanding Black middle class. In this unit, students will:● Examine how the Black community is shaped by a variety of identities, communities, and perspectives.● Analyze historical, contemporary, and emerging means of changing societies, promoting the common good, and protecting rights.● Reimagine new possibilities and more just futures for our country and our world drawn from the legacy of African American, Black experiences, intellectual thought, and culture.Compelling Questions: What are the greatest issues facing Blacks and African Americans in the U.S. today? What does radically reimagining new possibilities and more just futures look and sound like now?

Applied Science
Arts and Humanities
U.S. History
World History
CT State Department of Education
Connecticut Model African American/Black and Puerto Rican/Latino Course of Studies, Semester 1: Where We Come From: Introduction to African Origins and Contributions of Ancient African Empires to World Civilizations and the African Diaspora (500 B.C.E. to 1600)
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0.0 stars

Developed By:  Dr. Benjamin Foster, Jr. and Paquita Jarman-Smith Introduction of the basis of course, overview of scope and sequence of content, and orientation of students to expected dialogue and community for learning will be the opening for this unit. The content of this unit will focus on African Origins of humanity and contributions made by peoples of our greatest civilizations on the continent such as Kemet, Ghana, Songhai. The legacy of African Empires Kings and Queens will provide students information that will accurately paint a picture of the vast contributions to world civilizations.  It is through the history of African Origins and the exploration of African Civilizations and religions that we engage students in knowledge construction about the majestic breadth of great people in government, academic and technological innovation, and the arts, from whom African Americans and peoples from the Diaspora descended.  This exploration will allow students to evaluate and analyze false narratives of inferiority and inhumanity of Africans and Black people which are deeply ingrained in modern society worldwide.  As students begin the semester on African American history, they will have opportunities to embark on an exploration of a people who were made captives and brought to distant shores—and their long history of affirmation, resistance, reform, and radicalism. In this unit, students will:  Examine the impact of various aspects of African culture on world civilizations; Analyze the factors that have contributed to racialized global conflict and change in the modern world; and Develop a positive and accurate identity, including an awareness of and comfort with one’s membership in multiple groups in society.  Compelling Questions:  What impact did the people of Ancient Africa have on early and modern civilizations, and why has this impact been largely ignored through much of history?  How has the concept of race been socially constructed over time? Introduction of course projects:  Throughout the lessons in the course, students will have opportunities to build their own portfolio of artifacts to demonstrate new learning.  Responses, poems, video reflections, visual displays, infographics, and other forms of expression created by students should reflect the course objectives and essential questions. With EQ6 in mind, students will participate in developing a class project entitled Radical Imagination Through the Arts, in which students create a representation of learning depicting their own ideas about reimagining new possibilities and justice, based on African American/Black and Puerto Rican/Latino history. Teachers and students will co-create criteria for the project starting in Semester 1. Engage in reflection and collaborative planning with other departments of the school: history, teachers, art, media, music, English Language Arts and others in the school or community. Students add artifacts to their portfolios throughout the school year which may include a social justice action, idea or plan; artistic representation; or other inspired by the student’s creative process. Class will organize and curate the project pieces for the project. Culminate the year with a showcase Semester 2 for the school community. Optional Be the Change Project (see Semester 1 Unit 5 and 6 and 2 Unit 5):  This project requires consistent dedicated class time.  See link for resources and materials for implementing Be the Change... | Learning for Justice 

Applied Science
Arts and Humanities
U.S. History
World History
CT State Department of Education
Connecticut Model African American/Black and Puerto Rican/Latino Course of Studies, Semester 2: Blood and Beauty
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0.0 stars

Developed By: Adrian Solis, Gladys Labas, Agnes Quinones, Vanessa Sosa, and Nitza Diaz This unit dives deeply into the ancient civilizations of Latinos, which extend back thousands of years prior to the Columbian exploration. After reviewing the achievements and accomplishments of the Native Americans found in Central America, South America, and the Caribbean in the previous unit, this unit begins with the first European encounter with the Indigenous people and Columbus in 1492. It explores the mistreatment of the Indigenous by Europeans, and then the second part of the unit focuses on the treatment of Latinos throughout American History. In this unit, students will:● Explore different perspectives on how the Natives were treated by the Europeans and the voices like Bartolomeo de las Casas, who left a single perspective of this historical encounter behind.● Explore various forms of anti-Latino treatment such as scientific experiments in Puerto Rico and Guatemala, and language suppression.● Become more aware of the contributions of Latino people to American history in spite of oppression.Compelling Question: How has the persisting narrative of the voyages of Columbus held long and short-term consequences for the formation and evolution of the identity of Puerto Ricans and Latinos? 

Applied Science
Arts and Humanities
U.S. History
World History
CT State Department of Education
Connecticut Model African American/Black and Puerto Rican/Latino Course of Studies, Semester 2: Early Beginnings: Who Are We?
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0.0 stars

Developed By: Carlos Torre, Stephen Armstrong, Nitza M. DiazNOTE: At the beginning of Semester 2, there should be a general review of the major themes of Semester 1.  Students should also be informed that during Semester 1 their instructor took a largely chronological approach to the subject matter, while Semester 2 will be more thematic and will spiral back to prior learning.  Review of expectations for dialogue, safe spaces, and community of learners should occur.  Students should be reminded that there will be many “difficult discussions” throughout the semester, and that it is important that all student voices be heard.  Before beginning with the actual subject matter of Semester 2, students will take part in a project in which they attempt to find what they can about their own personal and family identity. Memories, interviews with family members, family letters, photographs, etc. can all be used to inform and complete an I Am From Poem. Sensitivity and assistance for students who may not have access to this information given their family situation should be provided up front.  Even before the United States became a republic, Latinos have contributed to the culture and history and life of the U.S. Yet, Latinos have been perceived as the “other.” Despite histories of migration, labor recruitment, wars, invasion, and occupations, millions of Latinos have persevered and demonstrated the beauty of their contributions. This unit will examine the early beginning and origins of what we know as Latin America. In this unit students will:● Explore Puerto Rican and Latino identity and culture.● Examine the individual and collective identities of Puerto Ricans and Latinos and demonstrate understanding of how this influences the perception and realities of Puerto Rican and Latino people.● Explore Latinos’ understanding of race.● Understand how Latinos show up in Black-White binary.● Examine Puerto Rican Migration.● Learn about the strengths and contributions of African diaspora in Latin America and in the Caribbean.Compelling Questions: How has Puerto Rican and Latino identity evolved over time? Is there a single “Latino identity”? Is there a Latino race?

Applied Science
Arts and Humanities
U.S. History
World History
CT State Department of Education
Connecticut Model African American/Black and Puerto Rican/Latino Course of Studies, Semester 2: Resistance and Defiance
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0.0 stars

Developed By: Adrian Solis, Vanessa Sosa, Agnes Quinones, Gladys Labas, Nitza Diaz Coming from a place of frustration, discord, and suppression, Latinos, time and time again, have resisted the power and control of a group of people, governments, or institutions. Their resistance has always been part of their existence; however, this unit will focus on major times of resistance. Finally, we will look at other forms of resistance focusing on the arts and on the development/existence of underground economies within specific Latin American countries. In this unit, students will:● Explore the Latinos’ fight for independence against Spain.● Explore the nationalist movements against dictatorial/non-democratic leaders in the 20th century.● Analyze the power structures within the United States that influence oppressing the people and voices of the Latino world.● Examine how the arts serve as a form of resistance, strength and community building.Compelling Question: With the diaspora in mind, how has the theme of resilience been illustrated in the past and present history of Latinos’ battle for equity?

Applied Science
Arts and Humanities
U.S. History
World History
CT State Department of Education
Connecticut Model African American/Black and Puerto Rican/Latino Course of Studies, Semester 2: Sweat
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0.0 stars

Developed By: Daniel Bonet Ojeda, Heriberto Cajigas, Nitza DiazIn this unit, we walk through the sands of time to remember the blood, beauty, and sweat that contributed to the further development of the Puerto Rican and Latino social and economic structures. These cultures have demonstrated endurance and resilience during countless trials. Even through difficult times, they have nurtured their roots with their ancestors' culture. Perseverance, optimism, and fortitude are the hallmarks of Latinos’ striving for equity. The permanent emotional connection with their culture and identity keep them reimagining their independence, economic growth, and prosperity. In this unit, we will examine how the complex relationship between politics and economic policies helps us explain the current level and range of economic development in the region. Students will:• Explore how colonialism impacted the development of Latin America societies during a period of social, economic “transformation.”• Examine and interpret how Latin Americans and Puerto Ricans constructed and interpreted racial, ethnic, class, and gender identities as a result of historic and economic experiences of enslaved Africans in Latin America and in Puerto Rico.• Investigate the ways in which United States relations with Puerto Rico and Latin America help or hinder social and economic growth.• Examine specific role of Indigenous, Spaniards, and Africans in the formation of the Puerto Rican Nation.• Evaluate how severe economic policies impact the economic growth of Puerto Rico and Latin America currently.Compelling Question: How did power and hierarchy come together to create the social and economic structures of Puerto Rico and Latin America?

Applied Science
Arts and Humanities
U.S. History
World History
CT State Department of Education
Connecticut Model African American/Black and Puerto Rican/Latino Course of Studies, Semester 2: Where Are We Now?
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0.0 stars

Developed By: Carlos Torre, Steve Armstrong, Nitza Diaz Between the years of 1820 and 2020, more than 80 million people migrated to the U.S. The history of immigration and migration is bigger than just the narrative that teaches about European immigration. Puerto Ricans and Latinos have migrated to the U.S. since the 1800s, and some Latino groups were already here before Europeans. This unit offers students an opportunity to learn and explore the contributions of Puerto Ricans and Latinos to the U.S. and the state of Connecticut. In this unit, students will:• Analyze reasons that individuals from Puerto Rico and other Latin Americans migrated to Connecticut.• Explore the accomplishments and contributions of these individuals and their descendants to Connecticut history and culture.• Understand and examine the misconceptions and negative beliefs that have been normalized and excluded the contributions of Puerto Rican and Latino people.Compelling Question: What impact have Puerto Ricans and Latinos had on Connecticut, and what additional impact might they have in the future?

Applied Science
Arts and Humanities
U.S. History
World History
CT State Department of Education
Connecticut Model Social Studies for Grade 0 Kindergarten
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0.0 stars

CSDE Model Curricula Quick Start GuideThe Organization and Alignment of Grade-specific CT Core Standards Equitable and Inclusive Curriculum  The CSDE believes in providing a set of conditions where learners are repositioned at the center of curricula planning and design. Curricula, from a culturally responsive perspective, require intentional planning for diversity, equity, and inclusion in the development of units and implementation of lessons. It is critical to develop a learning environment that is relevant to and reflective of students’ social, cultural, and linguistic experiences to effectively connect their culturally and community-based knowledge to the class. Begin by connecting what is known about students’ cognitive and interdisciplinary diversity to the learning of the unit. Opposed to starting instructional planning with gaps in students’ knowledge, plan from an asset-based perspective by starting from students’ strengths. In doing so, curricula’s implementation will be grounded in instruction that engages, motivates, and supports the intellectual capacity of all students.Standards-based Social Studies Instruction Standards-based social studies instruction at the kindergarten (K) through Grade12 levels can provide students with the critical content and skills they need to comprehend and impact the challenging and complex world they live in. High quality social studies instruction also allows students to appreciate and understand the cultures of all individuals and groups that reside in our state. Course Description:  In Kindergarten, students learn about roles and responsibilities in a community.  Students explore communities in the past and present, familiar places, and the roles of individuals and groups using disciplinary tools and resources that support planning and developing inquiries, gathering relevant information, and communication of knowledge and ideas about a community.Questions that should be answered in the course include:What makes a community?How do we learn about community?Aligned Core Resources:The selection of core resources is a local decision. It is imperative that curriculum be implemented using high quality instructional materials to ensure all students meet Connecticut’s standards. Ensuring alignment of resources to the standards is critical for holistic success. However, there are compilations of completed reviews from a variety of resources. Some of these include but are not limited to EdReports, Louisiana Believes, CURATE, and Oregon Adopted Instructional Materials. Connecticut is currently working on providing additional alignment guidance for the most frequently used resources across the state.   Additional Course Information:  Big ideas addressed in the course:Roles and Responsibilities Familiar Places and CommunitiesCommunities Past and presentHabits of Mind/SEIH/Transferable Skills Addressed in the Course: The skills you want students to master in their journey to success in college, career, and civic life (e.g., initiative, responsibility, perseverance, collaboration, empathy, respect).The Standards for Social Studies practice are aligned with the C3 Framework and follow the four dimensions of inquiry. The inquiry process is critical for framing the way students learn about history, geography, civics, and economics. The Inquiry Standards of practice describe the thinking processes, habits of mind, and dispositions that students need to develop a strong, critical, and courageous enduring understanding of Social Studies. Central to the C3 Framework is the Inquiry Arc, which frames the ways students learn social studies content. The Inquiry Arc established four dimensions of inquiry: (1) developing questions and planning inquiry, (2) applying disciplinary concepts and tools, (3) evaluating sources and using evidence, and (4) communicating conclusions and taking informed action. The C3 Framework also established four major disciplines in social studies—civics, economics, geography, and history—that form the basis of the second dimension of the Inquiry Arc and that all four major disciplines should be represented within social studies courses. Therefore, the following students should:Develop questions relevant to self, family, and school community. Apply disciplinary knowledge and practices to demonstrate an understanding of social studies content. Gather information to answer a question relevant to self, family, and school community. Use listening and consensus-building and voting procedures to take action in the classroom. It is important to note that the Social Studies curriculum units integrate social, emotional, and intellectual habits. This course will support the following Areas of Development and aim to incorporate learning experiences that will enhance the opportunity for students to: Develop a positive self-concept.  Self-Awareness  Sense of Self as Competent and capable Develop a positive attitude towards learning Sense of self as a learner  Curiosity and initiative  Cooperation during learning experiences  Identify and understand emotions of self and others  Identifying and understanding emotions  Empathy  Develop positive interpersonal relationships Social awareness and interpersonal skills Responsible decision making and problem solving Conflict resolution   Develop executive functioning skills Working memory and metacognition Cognitive flexibility  Manage attention and behavior  Develop logic and reasoning Please review the Components of Social, Emotional, and Intellectual Habits: Kindergarten through Grade 12 for more details. 

Material Type:
Full Course
CT State Department of Education
Provider Set:
CSDE - Public
Date Added:
Connecticut Model Social Studies for Grade 0 Kindergarten, Communities Past and Present
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Unit Overview/Summary - FOCUS: Every community has a past, present, and a future. In this unit, Kindergarten students will explore the similarities and differences between their community’s past and the present. Students will utilize primary source documents such as newspapers, photographs, and artifacts, to generate questions about historical sources and explain how people lived in the past.  Unit Duration:20 days Two 30-minute sessions per week x 10 weeks-20 Days 

Material Type:
Unit of Study
CT State Department of Education
Provider Set:
CSDE - Public
Connecticut Model Social Studies for Grade 0 Kindergarten, Communities Past and Present, Unit 3 Overview: Communities Past and Present
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0.0 stars

Unit Overview/Summary - FOCUS: Every community has a past, present, and a future. In this unit, Kindergarten students will explore the similarities and differences between their community’s past and the present. Students will utilize primary source documents such as newspapers, photographs, and artifacts, to generate questions about historical sources and explain how people lived in the past.  Unit Duration: 20 days Two 30-minute sessions per week x 10 weeks-20 Days 

Material Type:
Unit of Study
Connecticut Department of Education
Date Added:
Connecticut Model Social Studies for Grade 0 Kindergarten, Familiar Places Within Communities
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Unit Overview/Summary - FOCUS:  Many communities have common places that are important to the people who live and work there. The people, places, features, and elements of each community are what make it unique. In this unit, kindergarteners will explore geography and economics in the context of their local community. Students will distinguish between land and water features on maps, create simple maps of familiar places, learn where goods and services that exist in their community come from, and describe the places connected to their lives using various representations.   Unit Duration:20 days Two 30-minute sessions per week x 10 weeks 

Material Type:
Unit of Study
CT State Department of Education
Provider Set:
CSDE - Public
Connecticut Model Social Studies for Grade 0 Kindergarten, Familiar Places Within Communities, Unit 2 Overview: Familiar Places Within Communities
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Unit Overview/Summary - FOCUS:  Many communities have common places that are important to the people who live and work there. The people, places, features, and elements of each community are what make it unique. In this unit, kindergarteners will explore geography and economics in the context of their local community. Students will distinguish between land and water features on maps, create simple maps of familiar places, learn where goods and services that exist in their community come from, and describe the places connected to their lives using various representations.   Unit Duration: 20 days Two 30-minute sessions per week x 10 weeks 

Material Type:
Unit of Study
Connecticut Department of Education
Date Added:
Connecticut Model Social Studies for Grade 0 Kindergarten, Roles and Responsibilities in a Community
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Unit Overview/Summary - FOCUS:  Every family, classroom, school, and town in Connecticut has diverse members. Each member plays an important role in making their community a better place. In this unit, Kindergarteners will learn how families, leaders, schoolmates, and everyday citizens aim to act responsibly and respectfully to uphold rules and laws. Kindergarten students will learn about collaborative efforts that create a harmonious and thriving community.  Unit Duration: 20 days Two 30-minute sessions per week x 10 weeks 

Material Type:
Unit of Study
CT State Department of Education
Provider Set:
CSDE - Public
Connecticut Model Social Studies for Grade 0 Kindergarten, Roles and Responsibilities in a Community, Unit 1 Overview: Roles and Responsibilities in a Community
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0.0 stars

Unit Overview/Summary - FOCUS:  Every family, classroom, school, and town in Connecticut has diverse members. Each member plays an important role in making their community a better place. In this unit, Kindergarteners will learn how families, leaders, schoolmates, and everyday citizens aim to act responsibly and respectfully to uphold rules and laws. Kindergarten students will learn about collaborative efforts that create a harmonious and thriving community.  Unit Duration: 20 days Two 30-minute sessions per week x 10 weeks 

Material Type:
Unit of Study
Connecticut Department of Education
Date Added:
Connecticut Model Social Studies for Grade 1
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0.0 stars

CSDE Model Curricula Quick Start GuideThe Organization and Alignment of Grade-specific CT Core StandardsEquitable and Inclusive Curriculum  The CSDE believes in providing a set of conditions where learners are repositioned at the center of curricula planning and design. Curricula, from a culturally responsive perspective, require intentional planning for diversity, equity, and inclusion in the development of units and implementation of lessons. It is critical to develop a learning environment that is relevant to and reflective of students’ social, cultural, and linguistic experiences to effectively connect their culturally and community-based knowledge to the class. Begin by connecting what is known about students’ cognitive and interdisciplinary diversity to the learning of the unit. Opposed to starting instructional planning with gaps in students’ knowledge, plan from an asset-based perspective by starting from students’ strengths. In doing so, curricula’s implementation will be grounded in instruction that engages, motivates, and supports the intellectual capacity of all students.Standards-based Social Studies Instruction Standards-based social studies instruction at the kindergarten (K) through Grade12 levels can provide students with the critical content and skills they need to comprehend and impact the challenging and complex world they live in. High quality social studies instruction also allows students to appreciate and understand the cultures of all individuals and groups that reside in our state.Course Description:  In Grade 1, students explore democratic principles and values to understand their role in local, national, and global communities while recognizing the contributions of individuals and groups over time. Students use disciplinary tools and resources that support planning and  developing inquiries, gathering relevant information, and communication of knowledge and ideas about the roles and responsibilities of people in communities. Questions that should be answered in a course description include: How do individuals and groups contribute to their communities? How have people shaped their societies over time? Aligned Core Resources:   Core resources are a local control decision. It is imperative that curriculum be implemented using high quality instructional materials to ensure all students meet Connecticut’s standards. Ensuring alignment of resources to the standards is critical for holistic success. There are tools that are available to districts to assist in evaluating alignment of resources, such as CCSSO’s Mathematics Curriculum Analysis Project and Student Achievement Partner’s Instructional Materials Evaluation Tool.   In addition, there exist compilations of completed reviews from a variety of resources. Some of these include but are not limited to EdReports, Louisiana Believes, CURATE, and Oregon Adopted Instructional Materials. Connecticut is currently working on providing additional alignment guidance for the most frequently used resources across the state.  Additional Course Information:  Big ideas addressed in the course: Contributing in a Democratic Society Honoring Past and Present Global Communities Habits of Mind/SEIH/Transferable Skills Addressed in the Course: The skills you want students to master in their journey to success in college, career, and civic life (e.g., initiative, responsibility, perseverance, collaboration, empathy, respect). The Standards for Social Studies practice are aligned with the C3 Framework and follow the four dimensions of inquiry. The inquiry process is critical for framing the way students learn about history, geography, civics, and economics. The Inquiry Standards of practice describe the thinking processes, habits of mind, and dispositions that students need to develop a strong, critical, and courageous enduring understanding of Social Studies. Central to the C3 Framework is the Inquiry Arc, which frames the ways students learn social studies content. The Inquiry Arc established four dimensions of inquiry: (1) developing questions and planning inquiry, (2) applying disciplinary concepts and tools, (3) evaluating sources and using evidence, and (4) communicating conclusions and taking informed action. The C3 Framework also established four major disciplines in social studies—civics, economics, geography, and history—that form the basis of the second dimension of the Inquiry Arc and that all four major disciplines should be represented within social studies courses. Therefore, students should: Explain why a compelling question about community members is important to the student. Identify facts and concepts related to compelling and supporting questions. Determine the kinds of sources that will be helpful in answering compelling and supporting questions. Apply disciplinary knowledge and practices to demonstrate an understanding of social studies content. Gather information from one or two sources to answer a question about the roles and responsibilities of individuals and groups within and among communities. Evaluate a source by distinguishing between fact and opinion. Construct arguments with reasons. Construct explanations using correct sequence and relevant information. Ask and answer questions about arguments and explanations. Present a summary of an argument using print, oral, or digital technologies. Identify and explain a range of local, regional, and global problems, and some ways in which people can and are trying to address these problems. Use listening, consensus-building, and voting procedures to take action in the classroom. It is important to note that the Social Studies curriculum units integrate social, emotional, and intellectual habits. Please review the Components of Social, Emotional, and Intellectual Habits: Kindergarten through Grade 12 for more details. 

Material Type:
Full Course
CT State Department of Education
Provider Set:
CSDE - Public
Date Added:
Connecticut Model Social Studies for Grade 1, Contributing in a Democratic Society
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0.0 stars

Unit Overview/Summary - FOCUS:   Communities in Connecticut aim to engage in and advance democratic principles. In this unit, first graders will seek to understand the role of democratic principles in local, national, and many global communities. Students will explore their role in classroom procedures as well as examine the rules and roles of the communities that they are engaged in.  Students will also create and analyze compelling questions about communities, identify facts to answer compelling questions, and determine the sources needed to answer the questions. Unit Duration:20 days Two 30-minute sessions per week x 10 weeks  

Material Type:
Unit of Study
CT State Department of Education
Provider Set:
CSDE - Public
Connecticut Model Social Studies for Grade 1, Contributing in a Democratic Society, Unit 1 Overview: Contributing in a Democratic Society
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0.0 stars

Unit Overview/Summary - FOCUS:   Communities in Connecticut aim to engage in and advance democratic principles. In this unit, first graders will seek to understand the role of democratic principles in local, national, and many global communities. Students will explore their role in classroom procedures as well as examine the rules and roles of the communities that they are engaged in.  Students will also create and analyze compelling questions about communities, identify facts to answer compelling questions, and determine the sources needed to answer the questions. Unit Duration: 20 days Two 30-minute sessions per week x 10 weeks  

Material Type:
Unit of Study
Connecticut Department of Education
Date Added: