De cursus 'Project Maritieme industrie' is een cursus speciaal voor beginnende studenten …
De cursus 'Project Maritieme industrie' is een cursus speciaal voor beginnende studenten Maritieme Techniek. Tijdens deze cursus wordt de student bekend gemaakt met de TU Delft, met name met het onderwijsprogramma Maritieme Techniek. Er wordt gevraagd een vervoersconcept te onwikkelen, op basis van een vervoersvraag en een aantal randvoorwaarden. Hierbij behorend dient de student een scheepsconcept te ontwikkelen.
A framework of public hygiene and epidemiology is given. Human pathology related …
A framework of public hygiene and epidemiology is given. Human pathology related to water and sanitation is dealt with, as well as the relation between health and society and environment.
This course assists students in developing oral communication skills. Students will be …
This course assists students in developing oral communication skills. Students will be able to speak effectively and comfortably to audiences; explain the nature, value, and requirements of effective public speaking; speak effectively to groups in an academic environment; speak effectively to groups in a non-academic environment; apply principles of cultural diversity to public speaking; and, employ effective information literacy techniques in public speaking.Login: guest_oclPassword: ocl
Water transport through pipes, pressure losses, (pressure) network design and building, pump …
Water transport through pipes, pressure losses, (pressure) network design and building, pump selection, pumping stations, power supply, quantitative reliability, operation and maintenance.
Quantum Information Processing aims at harnessing quantum physics to conceive and build …
Quantum Information Processing aims at harnessing quantum physics to conceive and build devices that could dramatically exceed the capabilities of today's "classical" computation and communication systems. In this course, we will introduce the basic concepts of this rapidly developing field.
This ebook discusses the importance of reflection to helping professionals. Students are …
This ebook discusses the importance of reflection to helping professionals. Students are encouraged to practice self-reflection as they study human development. Wellness for students and future helping professionals is emphasized.
Het vak Redeneren en Logica gaat over redeneringen en hun geldigheid. Een …
Het vak Redeneren en Logica gaat over redeneringen en hun geldigheid. Een redenering bestaat uit een aantal premissen, en een conclusie. Een redenering is geldig wanneer de conclusie altijd waar is wanneer de premissen dat zijn. Het kan, wanneer een redenering geldig is, dus niet voorkomen dat de premissen waar zijn, en de conclusie onwaar. Zo'n situatie heet een tegenvoorbeeld, en dat toont aan dat een redenering ongeldig is. Wanneer een redenering geldig is, heet hij een stelling ("theorem" in het engels), en kan men de conclusie afleiden uit de aannanme dat de premissen waar zijn. Zo'n afleiding heet een bewijs.
Deze cursus gaat over de representatie, analyse and regeling van lineare tijd-invariante …
Deze cursus gaat over de representatie, analyse and regeling van lineare tijd-invariante dynamische systemen. Zowel de overdrachts functie als toestands modellen worden behandeld.
Veel aandacht zal worden gegeven aan het schetsen en interpreteren van bode, root-locus en nyquist plots voor de analyse van systeem stabiliteit en feedback regeling. In dit kader worden de concepten van versterking en fase marge, statische en dynamische compensatie behandeld. De verschillende compensatie methodes die onder de aandacht worden gebracht zijn: PD-compensatie, lead compensatie, PI compensatie, lag compensatie en PID compensatie.
Andere regel theoretische aspecten zoals sensitiviteits functies, robuustheid, tijdsvertraging, control en pool plaatsing van toestands beschrijvingen worden ook behandeld.
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: develop and …
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: develop and research a topic of global significance; recognize authorsŰŞ arguments and the political, social and economic motivations behind their work; demonstrate the ability to locate, interpret and cite the relevant and appropriate information resources on a topic; and, demonstrate an understanding of the information research process.Login: guest_oclPassword: ocl
This course deals with the basic principles and design aspects of sanitary …
This course deals with the basic principles and design aspects of sanitary engineering infrastructure. This comprises: drinking water supply and treatment, sewerage and wastewater treatment. Study goals: Insight in technological aspects of the urban water infrastructure
Global Satellite Navigation Systems (GNSS), such as GPS, have revolutionized positioning and …
Global Satellite Navigation Systems (GNSS), such as GPS, have revolutionized positioning and navigation. Currently, four such systems are operational or under development. They are the American GPS, the Russian Glonass, the European Galileo, and the Chinese Beidou-Compass. This course will address: (1) the technical principles of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), (2) the methods to improve the accuracy of standard positioning services down to the millimeter accuracy level and the integrity of the systems, and (3) the various applications for positioning, navigation, geomatics, earth sciences, atmospheric research and space missions. The course will first address the space segment, user and control segment, signal structure, satellite and receiver clocks, timing, computation of satellite positions, broadcast and precise ephemeris. It will also cover propagation error sources such as atmospheric effects and multipath. The second part of the course covers autonomous positioning for car navigation, aviation, and location based services (LBS). This part includes the integrity of GNSS systems provided for instance by Space Based Augmentation Systems (e.g. WAAS, EGNOS) and Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (RAIM). It will also cover parameter estimation in dynamic systems: recursive least-squares estimation, Kalman filter (time update, measurement update), innovation, linearization and Extended Kalman filter. The third part of the course covers precise relative GPS positioning with two or more receivers, static and kinematic, for high-precision applications. Permanent GPS networks and the International GNSS Service (IGS) will be discussed as well. In the last part of the course there will be two tracks (students only need to do one): (1) geomatics track: RTK services, LBS, surveying and mapping, civil engineering applications (2) space track: space based GNSS for navigation, control and guidance of space missions, formation flying, attitude determination The final lecture will be on (scientific) applications of GNSS.
This is a course for Dutch (Bachelor) students who need or want …
This is a course for Dutch (Bachelor) students who need or want to pay some extra attention to their English language skills. In this course you will find four modules with theory and exercises on Listening, Grammar, Vocabulary and Writing. We will also give you links to useful websites. We strongly recommend that you do not try to do this course in as short a time as possible: learning skills takes time, so you will benefit optimally from the course if you spend weeks, rather than days on it.
Advanced semiconductor devices are a new source of energy for the 21st …
Advanced semiconductor devices are a new source of energy for the 21st century, delivering electricity directly from sunlight. Suitable semiconductor materials, device physics, and fabrication technologies for solar cells are presented in this course. The guidelines for design of a complete solar cell system for household application are explained. Cost aspects, market development, and the application areas of solar cells are presented.
In the electrical engineering, solid-state materials and the properties play an essential …
In the electrical engineering, solid-state materials and the properties play an essential role. A thorough understanding of the physics of metals, insulators and semiconductor materials is essential for designing new electronic devices and circuits. After short introduction of the IC fabrication process, the course starts with the crystallography. This will be followed by the basic principle of the quantum mechanics, the sold-state physics, band-structure and the relation with electrical properties of the solid-state materials. When the material physics has been throughly understood, the physics of the semiconductor device follows quite naturally and can be understood quickly and efficiently. Study Goals: The student can 1) determine the crystal structure, the density of atoms and the Miller indices of a crystal, 2) apply Schrodinger's wave equation to various potential functions and derive a probability of finding electrons, 3) discuss the concept of energy band formation and difference of material properties in terms of the band, 4) derive the concentrations of electron and holes with a given temperature in terms of Fermi energy, and 5) can discuss drift, diffusion and scattering of carriers in a semiconductor under various temperature and impurity concentrations.
Statics deals with the principles of equilibrium. In this course the principles …
Statics deals with the principles of equilibrium. In this course the principles of forces and moments will be explained as well as principle of equilibrium of forces and moments. This also includes the equilibrium of 2D and 3D structures and trusses. Furthermore the principle of internal forces and moments is addressed as well as the use of the principle of virtual work to calculate both external and internal loads. Finally, the concepts of centre of gravity, centroids and moments of inertia are discussed
The lectures are at a beginning graduate level and assume only basic …
The lectures are at a beginning graduate level and assume only basic familiarity with Functional Analysis and Probability Theory. Topics covered include: Random variables in Banach spaces: Gaussian random variables, contraction principles, Kahane-Khintchine inequality, Anderson’s inequality. Stochastic integration in Banach spaces I: γ-Radonifying operators, γ-boundedness, Brownian motion, Wiener stochastic integral. Stochastic evolution equations I: Linear stochastic evolution equations: existence and uniqueness, Hölder regularity. Stochastic integral in Banach spaces II: UMD spaces, decoupling inequalities, Itô stochastic integral. Stochastic evolution equations II: Nonlinear stochastic evolution equations: existence and uniqueness, Hölder regularity.
Op basis van de integraal balansen worden de volgende onderwerpen van de …
Op basis van de integraal balansen worden de volgende onderwerpen van de stromingsleer behandeld:
- Integraal balansen in hun algemene vorm - Dimensieloze kentallen, dynamische gelijkvormigheid - Couette and Poiseulle stroming met toepassing op smeringstheorie - Stroming door buizen, Moody diagram en verliesfactoren - Integraal balans voor de grenslaag en berekening van weerstand door wrijving - Stroming rond algemene lichamen, weerstand door drukkrachten, lift, instationariteit, vleugelprofielen - Wrijvingsloze compressibele stromingen, isentropische stromingen, schokgolven - Compressibele stromingen met wrijving in buizen - Open kanaal stromingen, hydraulische sprong
This course focuses on a systematic approach to the design of analog …
This course focuses on a systematic approach to the design of analog electronic circuits. The methodology presented in the course is based on the concepts of hierarchy, orthogonality and efficient modeling. It is applied to the design of negative-feedback amplifiers. It is shown that aspects such as ideal transfer; noise performance, distortion and bandwidth can be optimized independently. A systematic approach to biasing completes the discussion. Lectures are interactive and combined with weekly sessions where students can work on exercises under supervision of the professors.
By independent study of the book Sustainable Development for Engineers (K.F. Mulder, …
By independent study of the book Sustainable Development for Engineers (K.F. Mulder, 2006) students acquire basic knowledge about sustainable development
This course aims to give insight in the chain of hydrogen production, …
This course aims to give insight in the chain of hydrogen production, storage and use, and the devices involved. Electrical storage in the form of batteries will be discussed. Physical and materials science advances that are required to bring forward hydrogen and batteries as energy carriers will be highlighted.
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