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  • Textbook
An Introduction to Matlab and Mathcad
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0.0 stars

This textbook, or really a “coursebook” for a college freshman-level class, has been updated for Spring 2014 and provides an introduction to programming and problem solving using both Matlab and Mathcad. We provide a balanced selection of introductory exercises and real-world problems (i.e. no “contrived” problems). We include many examples and screenshots to guide the reader. We assume no prior knowledge of Matlab or Mathcad.

Material Type:
Troy Siemers
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An Introduction to Nutrition v1.0
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0.0 stars

Textbook written by Community College and University faculty for non-majors in Nutrition using science and evidence based nutritional science information. This version was accessible in 2012. Material covers basic definitions, and nutrition related to healthy diet and the human body. Separate chapters on carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nutrients for fluid and electrolyte balance, antioxidants, bone health, metabolism, body weight and the life cycle. Special features to aid in instruction for each chapter include: The “Learning Objectives”, “Big Idea” related to chapter themes, “Key Takeaways” and a “You decide” challenge to think about how topics relate to student’s life. “Discussion Starters”, “Videos” and “Exercises” are provided as well as links to choosemyplate.gov and other sources.

Life Science
Material Type:
Beth Snow
Maureen Zimmerman
Date Added:
Introduction to Oceanography
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Introduction to Oceanography is a textbook appropriate to an introductory-level university course in oceanography. The book covers the fundamental geological, chemical, physical and biological processes in the ocean, with an emphasis on the North Atlantic region.

Physical Science
Material Type:
Roger Williams University
Paul Webb
Date Added:
An Introduction to Ontology Engineering
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0.0 stars

This first general textbook An introduction to ontology engineering has as main aim to provide the reader with a comprehensive introductory overview of ontology engineering. A secondary aim is to provide hands-on experience in ontology development that illustrate the theory.

Applied Science
Material Type:
Maria Keet
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Introduction to Permaculture
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0.0 stars

Permaculture Design is a method of land planning that can be applied at scales from the home garden to city block to village to farm. It is an ethically based whole-systems design approach that uses concepts, principles, and methods derived from ecosystems, indigenous technologies, and other time-tested practices to create sustainable human settlements and institutions. Although rooted in horticulture and agriculture, Permaculture design is interdisciplinary, touching on a wide range of subjects including regional planning, ecology, animal husbandry, appropriate technology, architecture, social justice, and international development.

This open text book is derived from the content of the Massive Open Online Course “Intro to Permaculture”. The original course also included interactive mapping and design tools that accompanied this content. The course and book provide a general overview of the Permaculture design system. The book can be downloaded as a print version. However, there are many accompanying videos and content pages that are linked to throughout the text, so it is best viewed online where the links can be accessed.

Career and Technical Education
Material Type:
Oregon State University
Andrew Millison
Date Added:
An Introduction to Philosophy
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0.0 stars

The goal of this text is to present philosophy to newcomers as a living discipline with historical roots. While a few early chapters are historically organized, my goal in the historical chapters is to trace a developmental progression of thought that introduces basic philosophical methods and frames issues that remain relevant today. Later chapters are topically organized. These include philosophy of science and philosophy of mind, areas where philosophy has shown dramatic recent progress. This text concludes with four chapters on ethics, broadly construed. I cover traditional theories of right action in the third of these. Students are first invited first to think about what is good for themselves and their relationships in a chapter of love and happiness. Next a few meta-ethical issues are considered; namely, whether they are moral truths and if so what makes them so. The end of the ethics sequence addresses social justice, what it is for one’s community to be good. Our sphere of concern expands progressively through these chapters. Our inquiry recapitulates the course of development into moral maturity

Arts and Humanities
Material Type:
Bellevue College
W. Russ Payne
Date Added:
Introduction to Philosophy: Ethics
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0.0 stars

We often make judgments about good and bad, right and wrong. Philosophical ethics is the critical examination of these and other concepts central to how we evaluate our own and each others’ behavior and choices.

This text examines some of the main threads of discussion on these topics that have developed over the last couple of millenia, mostly within the Western cultural tradition. It considers basic questions about moral and ethical judgment: Is there such a thing as something that is really right or really wrong independent of time, place and perspective? What is the relationship between religion and ethics? How can we reconcile self-interest and ethics? Is it ever acceptable to harm one person in order to help others? What do recent discussions in evolutionary biology or have to say about human moral systems? What is the relation between gender and ethics? The authors invite you to participate in their exploration of these and many other questions in philosophical ethics.

If you are adopting or adapting this book for a course, please let us know on our adoption form for the Introduction to Philosophy open textbook series: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdwf2E7bRGvWefjhNZ07kgpgnNFxVxxp-iidPE5gfDBQNGBGg/viewform?usp=sf_link.

Arts and Humanities
Material Type:
Rebus Community
Christina Hendricks (Series Editor)
Douglas Giles
Frank Aragbonfoh Abumere
George Matthews (Book Editor)
Jeffrey Morgan
Joseph Kranak
Kathryn MacKay
Michael Klenk
Paul Rezkalla
Ya-Yun (Sherry) Kao
Date Added:
Introduction to Philosophy: Philosophy of Mind
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0.0 stars

Introduction to Philosophy: Philosophy of Mind (edited by Heather Salazar) surveys the central themes in philosophy of mind and places them in a historical and contemporary context intended to engage first-time readers in the field. It focuses on debates about the status and character of the mind and its seemingly subjective nature in an apparently more objective world.

Written by experts and emerging researchers in their subject areas, each chapter brings clarity to complex material and involves the reader through a wealth of examples. Many chapters include applications of the concepts to film and literature that will stimulate readers to firmly grasp the significance of the philosophy of mind. Subjects covered are how the mind fits into the material world and how to analyze its properties. In that vein, substance dualism, materialism, behaviorism, functionalism, and property dualism are all explored.

In addition, it includes insightful contributions on how to explain seemingly subjective feelings, the mystery of consciousness, conceptual understanding of the world outside of the mind, and free will. The book is designed to be used alone or alongside a reader of historical and contemporary original sources.

If you are adopting or adapting this book for a course, please let us know on our adoption form for the Introduction to Philosophy open textbook series: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdwf2E7bRGvWefjhNZ07kgpgnNFxVxxp-iidPE5gfDBQNGBGg/viewform?usp=sf_link.

Arts and Humanities
Material Type:
Rebus Community
Christina Hendricks
Daniel Haas
Elly Vintiadis
Eran Asoulin
Heather Salazar
Henry Shevlin
Jason Newman
Paul Richard Blum
Tony Cheng
Date Added:
Introduction to Philosophy: Philosophy of Religion
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0.0 stars

Where did the universe come from? Is life a result of chance, or design? If God is loving and all-powerful, why does evil still exist? Is religious belief just a byproduct of undirected evolutionary processes? Or did God make sure humans would evolve in such a way as to believe? Are philosophers closed-minded about religion? And why is so much of philosophy of religion about God—but not about gods?

Introduction to Philosophy: Philosophy of Religion introduces students to some of the major traditional arguments for and against the existence of God. It also includes discussions of some less well-known, but thought-provoking arguments for the existence of God, and one of the most important new challenges to religious belief from the Cognitive Science of Religion. An introductory chapter traces the deep interconnections between philosophy and religion throughout Western history, and a final chapter considers what place there is for non-Western and non-monotheistic religions within contemporary philosophy of religion.

Whatever your religious beliefs—or lack of beliefs—we think you will find many of the arguments in this book fascinating to think about, and useful starting points for deeper philosophical discussions.

Arts and Humanities
Material Type:
Rebus Community
Beau Branson
Beau Branson (Book Editor)
Christina Hendricks (Series Editor)
Hans Van Eyghen
Marcus William Hunt
Robert Sloan Lee
Steven Steyl
Timothy D Knepper
Date Added:
Introduction to Physical Oceanography
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Educational Use
0.0 stars

This book is written for upper-division undergraduates and new graduate students in meteorology, ocean engineering, and oceanography. After reading this book, it expected that students will be able to describe physical processes influencing the ocean and coastal regions: the interaction of the ocean with the atmosphere, and the distribution of oceanic winds, currents, heat fluxes, and water masses.

Physical Science
Material Type:
Robert Stewart
Date Added:
Introduction to Political Science Research Methods – An Open Education Resource Textbook
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Introduction to Political Science Research Methods, 1st edition, is an Open Education Resource Textbook that surveys the research methods employed in political science. The textbook includes chapters that cover: history and development of the empirical study of politics; the scientific method; theories, hypotheses, variables, and units; conceptualization, operationalization and measurement of political concepts; elements of research design including the logic of sampling; qualitative and quantitative research methods and means of analysis; and research ethics.

- Josh Franco, Cuyamaca College
- Charlotte Lee, Berkeley City College
- Kau Vue, Fresno City College
- Dino Bozonelos, Victor Valley College
- Masa Omae, San Diego City College
- Steven Cauchon, Imperial Valley College

PDF Version ISBN: 978-1-7351980-0-2

Political Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Charlotte Lee
Dino Bozonelos
Josh Franco
Kau Vue
Masa Omae
Steven Cauchon
Date Added:
Introduction to Probability
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Some Rights Reserved
0.0 stars

Probability theory began in seventeenth century France when the two great French mathematicians, Blaise Pascal and Pierre de Fermat, corresponded over two problems from games of chance. Problems like those Pascal and Fermat solved continued to influence such early researchers as Huygens, Bernoulli, and DeMoivre in establishing a mathematical theory of probability. Today, probability theory is a well established branch of mathematics that finds applications in every area of scholarly activity from music to physics, and in daily experience from weather prediction to predicting the risks of new medical treatments.

This text is designed for an introductory probability course taken by sophomores, juniors, and seniors in mathematics, the physical and social sciences, engineering, and computer science. It presents a thorough treatment of probability ideas and techniques necessary for a form understanding of the subject. The text can be used in a variety of course lengths, levels, and areas of emphasis.

For use in a standard one-term course, in which both discrete and continuous probability is covered, students should have taken as a prerequisite two terms of calculus, including an introduction to multiple integrals. In order to cover Chapter 11, which contains material on Markov chains, some knowledge of matrix theory is necessary.

Statistics and Probability
Material Type:
American Mathematical Society
Charles Grinstead
J. Laurie Snell
Date Added:
Introduction to Programming Using Java, Eighth Edition
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0.0 stars

This book is directed mainly towards beginning programmers, although it might also be useful for experienced programmers who want to learn something about Java. It is certainly not meant to provide complete coverage of the Java language.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
Hobart and William Smith Colleges
David J. Eck
Date Added:
Introduction to Programming using Fortran 95/2003/2008
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0.0 stars

Computers are everywhere in our daily lives. Between the desktop, laptop, phone, bank, and vehicle, it is difficult to completely get away from computers. It only makes sense to learn a little about how a computer really works.This text provides an introduction to programming and problem solving using the Fortran 95/2003/2008 programming language. This introduction is geared for non-computer science majors. The primary focus is on an introduction to problem solving and algorithm development. As such, many details of the Fortran 95/2003/2008 language are omitted.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
Ed Jorgensen
Date Added:
An Introduction to Psychological Statistics
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0.0 stars

We are constantly bombarded by information, and finding a way to filter that information in an objective way is crucial to surviving this onslaught with your sanity intact. This is what statistics, and logic we use in it, enables us to do. Through the lens of statistics, we learn to find the signal hidden in the noise when it is there and to know when an apparent trend or pattern is really just randomness. The study of statistics involves math and relies upon calculations of numbers. But it also relies heavily on how the numbers are chosen and how the statistics are interpreted.

This work was created as part of the University of Missouri’s Affordable and Open Access Educational Resources Initiative (https://www.umsystem.edu/ums/aa/oer). The contents of this work have been adapted from the following Open Access Resources: Online Statistics Education: A Multimedia Course of Study (http://onlinestatbook.com/). Project Leader: David M. Lane, Rice University. Changes to the original works were made by Dr. Garett C. Foster in the Department of Psychological Sciences to tailor the text to fit the needs of the introductory statistics course for psychology majors at the University of Missouri – St. Louis. Materials from the original sources have been combined, reorganized, and added to by the current author, and any conceptual, mathematical, or typographical errors are the responsibility of the current author.

Social Science
Statistics and Probability
Material Type:
Dan Osherson
Foster Garett C
Garett C Foster
Hebl Mikki
Mikki Hebl
Rice University
Rudy Guerra
Scott David
University Of Missouri-st Louis
Zimmer Heidi
Date Added:
Introduction to Psychology
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0.0 stars

When you teach Introduction to Psychology, do you find it difficult – much harder than teaching classes in statistics or research methods? Do you easily give a lecture on the sympathetic nervous system, a lecture on Piaget, and a lecture on social cognition, but struggle with linking these topics together for the student? Do you feel like you are presenting a laundry list of research findings rather than an integrated set of principles and knowledge? Have you wondered how to ensure your course is relevant to your students? If so, then you have something in common with Charles Stangor.Charles Stangor's Introduction to Psychology utilizes the dual theme of behavior and empiricism to make psychology relevant to intro students.Charles wrote this book to help students organize their thinking about psychology at a conceptual level. Five or ten years from now, he does not expect his students to remember the details of most of what he teaches them. However, he does hope that they will remember that psychology matters because it helps us understand behavior and that our knowledge of psychology is based on empirical study.This book is designed to facilitate these learning outcomes, and he has used three techniques to help focus students on behavior:Chapter Openers: Each chapter opens showcasing an interesting real world example of people who dealing with behavioral questions and who can use psychology to help them answer them. The opener is designed to draw the student into the chapter and create an interesting in learning about the topic.Psychology in Everyday Life: Each chapter contains one or two features designed to link the principles from the chapter to real-world applications in business, environment, health, law, learning, and other relevant domains. For instance, the application in Chapter 7 on Development, “What makes good parents” applies the concepts of parenting styles in a mini-handbook about parenting, and the application in Chapter 3 is about the difficulties that left-handed people face performing everyday tasks in a right-handed world.Research Foci: Introduction to Psychology emphasizes empiricism throughout, but without making it a distraction from the main story line. Each chapter presents two close-ups on research -- well articulated and specific examples of research within the content area, each including a summary of the hypotheses, methods, results, and interpretations. This feature provides a continuous thread that reminds students of the importance of empirical research. The research foci also emphasize the fact that findings are not always predictable ahead of time (dispelling the myth of hindsight bias), and also help students understand how research really works.Charles Stangor's focus on behavior and empiricism has produced, Introduction to Psychology, a text that is better organized, has fewer chapters, and is somewhat shorter than many of the leading books.

Social Science
Material Type:
University of Minnesota
Provider Set:
University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing
Charles Stangor
Date Added:
Introduction to Psychology
Read the Fine Print
Some Rights Reserved
0.0 stars

Comprehensive coverage of core concepts grounded in both classic studies and current and emerging research, including coverage of the DSM-5 in discussions of psychological disorders. Incorporates discussions that reflect the diversity within the discipline, as well as the diversity of cultures and communities across the globe.

Social Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Lumen Learning
Provider Set:
Candela Courseware
Date Added:
Introduction to Psychology
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0.0 stars

When you teach Introduction to Psychology, do you find it difficult — much harder than teaching classes in statistics or research methods? Do you easily give a lecture on the sympathetic nervous system, a lecture on Piaget, and a lecture on social cognition, but struggle with linking these topics together for the student? Do you feel like you are presenting a laundry list of research findings rather than an integrated set of principles and knowledge? Have you wondered how to ensure your course is relevant to your students? Introduction to Psychology utilizes the dual theme of behavior and empiricism to make psychology relevant to intro students. The author wrote this book to help students organize their thinking about psychology at a conceptual level. Five or ten years from now, he does not expect his students to remember the details of most of what he teaches them. However, he does hope that they will remember that psychology matters because it helps us understand behavior and that our knowledge of psychology is based on empirical study.

This is a derivative of INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOLOGY by a publisher who has requested that they and the original author not receive attribution, which was originally released and is used under CC BY-NC-SA. This work, unless otherwise expressly stated, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Social Science
Material Type:
University of Minnesota
Provider Set:
University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing
Date Added:
Introduction to Psychology - 1st Canadian Edition
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This book is designed to help students organize their thinking about psychology at a conceptual level. The focus on behaviour and empiricism has produced a text that is better organized, has fewer chapters, and is somewhat shorter than many of the leading books. The beginning of each section includes learning objectives; throughout the body of each section are key terms in bold followed by their definitions in italics; key takeaways, and exercises and critical thinking activities end each section.

Social Science
Material Type:
Provider Set:
BCcampus Faculty Reviewed Open Textbooks
Charles Stangor
Jennifer Walinga
Date Added:
Introduction to Psychology: Mind & Body
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0.0 stars

This textbook is designed for Chemeketa Community College's PSY 201. NOBA provides ancillary materials, and a common course cartridge is also available by request with more quiz questions for this content. Print copies are available from http://www.lulu.com/shop/noba-project/introduction-to-psychology-mind-body/paperback/product-22882311.html.

Social Science
Material Type:
Diener Education Fund
Provider Set:
Adam John Privitera
Date Added: