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Connecticut Model Science for Grade 7, 7.5 Ecosystem Dynamics
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Unit SummaryThis unit on ecosystem dynamics and biodiversity begins with students reading headlines that claim that the future of orangutans is in peril and that the purchasing of chocolate may be the cause. Students then examine the ingredients in popular chocolate candies and learn that one of these ingredients--palm oil--is grown on farms near the rainforest where orangutans live. This prompts students to develop initial models to explain how buying candy could impact orangutans.Students spend the first lesson set better understanding the complexity of the problem, which cannot be solved with simple solutions. They will figure out that palm oil is derived from the oil palm trees that grow near the equator, and that these trees are both land-efficient and provide stable income for farmers, factors that make finding a solution to the palm oil problem more challenging. Students will establish the need for a better design for oil palm farms, which will support both orangutans and farmers. The final set of lessons engage students in investigations of alternative approaches to growing food compared to large-scale monocrop farms. Students work to design an oil palm farm that simultaneously supports orangutan populations and the income of farmers and community members.

Life Science
Physical Science
Space Science
CT State Department of Education
Connecticut Model Science for Grade 7, 7.6 Earth’s Resources & Human Impact
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This unit on Earth’s resources and human impact begins with students observing news stories and headlines of drought and flood events across the United States. Students figure out that these drought and flood events are not normal and that both kinds of events seem to be related to rising temperatures. This prompts them to develop an initial model to explain how rising temperatures could cause both droughts and floods and leads students to wonder what could cause rising temperatures, too. This initial work sets students up to ask questions related to the query: How do changes in Earth’s system impact our communities and what can we do about it?Students spend the first lesson set gathering evidence for how a change in temperature affects evaporation, precipitation, and other parts of Earth’s water system. They use evidence to support a scientific explanation that two climate variables (temperature and precipitation) are changing precipitation patterns in the case sites they investigated. Students figure out that the rising temperatures are caused by an imbalance in Earth’s carbon system, resulting in a variety of problems in different communities. The unit ends with students evaluating different kinds of solutions to these problems and how they are implemented in communities. Students work through a systematic evaluation process to consider (1) each solution’s potential to solve the carbon imbalance, (2) tradeoffs associated with solutions based on student-identified constraints, and (3) whether the solution in question makes sense for their community’s stakeholders.

Life Science
Physical Science
Space Science
CT State Department of Education
Connecticut Model Science for Grade 8
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OpenSciEd Demo VideoOpenSciEd Scope & Sequence VideoCSDE Model Curricula Quick Start GuideEquitable and Inclusive Curriculum  The CSDE believes in providing a set of conditions where learners are repositioned at the center of curricula planning and design. Curricula, from a culturally responsive perspective, require intentional planning for diversity, equity, and inclusion in the development of units and implementation of lessons. It is critical to develop a learning environment that is relevant to and reflective of students’ social, cultural, and linguistic experiences to effectively connect their culturally and community-based knowledge to the class. Begin by connecting what is known about students’ cognitive and interdisciplinary diversity to the learning of the unit. Opposed to starting instructional planning with gaps in students’ knowledge, plan from an asset-based perspective by starting from students’ strengths. In doing so, curricula’s implementation will be grounded in instruction that engages, motivates, and supports the intellectual capacity of all students.Course Description: Using 3-Dimesional design pedagogy, Connecticut’s NGSS employ: Science/Engineering Practices, Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCI’s) and Crosscutting Concepts that are used to make up Student Expectations:Each year, students in Connecticut should be able to demonstrate greater capacity for connecting knowledge across, and between, the physical sciences, life sciences, earth and space sciences, and engineering design. During Grade 8, students will begin to form deeper connections between concepts previously learned in grades K–7, such as collecting evidence and drawing conclusions, understanding relationships between objects, and critical thinking that leads to designing effective solutions for problems. Upon completion of Grade 8, students should have a deeper understanding of: • Physical and theoretical forces and contact;• The Earth and its place in space;• Natural selection and evolution, and; • Concepts of genetics and heredity.Aligned Core Resources:Core resources is a local control decision.  Ensuring alignment of resources to the standards is critical for success. The CSDE has identified OpenSciEd as a highly aligned core resource after a rigorous review process. Additional Course Information: NGSS has unique features. To better understand the make-up of NGSS visit the following website for a more detailed break-down of the CT Science standards from which this curriculum was based. Nextgenscience Assessment Information:To support teachers with being able to use the OpenSciEd instructional materials, a set of professional learning resources has been developed that accompany each unit. All of the resources can be accessed by adding them to your Google Drive or by downloading into Microsoft Office documents from the Google Drive folder using the links below. To access the student and teacher versions of these units, visit the Instructional Materials Page.Additionally, the Connecticut State Department of Education has developed NGSS interim Assessment blocks specific to the grade 6-8 grade band. These can be accessed through the CSDE Website in the Performance Office tab.ELA/Math Transferable Skills Addressed in the Course: The following Practices Venn Diagram illustrates the connections and commonalities in the major content areas. This diagram attempts to cluster practices and capacities that have similar tenets and/or significant overlaps in the student expectations. Likewise, we have placed practices and capacities within the disciplinary domains if there was not a significant overlap or relationship to another discipline. One could argue certain practices/capacities could be placed in other positions within the Venn diagram. These placements are not definitive and the intention of the standards documents may not have conceptualized the three disciplinary areas In this manner. ​​

Life Science
Physical Science
Space Science
Material Type:
Full Course
CT State Department of Education
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Connecticut Model Science for Grade 8, 8.1 Contact Forces
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Oh, no! I’ve dropped my phone! Most of us have experienced the panic of watching our phones slip out of our hands and fall to the floor. We’ve experienced the relief of picking up an undamaged phone and the frustration of the shattered screen. This common experience anchors learning in the Contact Forces unit as students explore a variety of phenomena to figure out, “Why do things sometimes get damaged when they hit each other?”Student questions about the factors that result in a shattered cell phone screen lead them to investigate what is really happening to any object during a collision. They make their thinking visible with free-body diagrams, mathematical models, and system models to explain the effects of relative forces, mass, speed, and energy in collisions. Students then use what they have learned about collisions to engineer something that will protect a fragile object from damage in a collision. They investigate which materials to use, gather design input from stakeholders to refine the criteria and constraints, develop micro and macro models of how their solution is working, and optimize their solution based on data from investigations. Finally, students apply what they have learned from the investigation and design to a related design problem.

Life Science
Physical Science
Space Science
CT State Department of Education
Connecticut Model Science for Grade 8, 8.2 Sound Waves
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In this unit, students develop ideas related to how sounds are produced, how they travel through media, and how they affect objects at a distance. Their investigations are motivated by trying to account for a perplexing anchoring phenomenon — a truck is playing loud music in a parking lot and the windows of a building across the parking lot visibly shake in response to the music.They make observations of sound sources to revisit the K–5 idea that objects vibrate when they make sounds. They figure out that patterns of differences in those vibrations are tied to differences in characteristics of the sounds being made. They gather data on how objects vibrate when making different sounds to characterize how a vibrating object’s motion is tied to the loudness and pitch of the sounds they make. Students also conduct experiments to support the idea that sound needs matter to travel through, and they will use models and simulations to explain how sound travels through matter at the particle level.

Life Science
Physical Science
Space Science
CT State Department of Education
Connecticut Model Science for Grade 8, 8.3 Forces at a Distance
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This unit launches with a slow-motion video of a speaker as it plays music. In the previous unit, students developed a model of sound. This unit allows students to investigate the cause of a speaker’s vibration in addition to the effect.Students dissect speakers to explore the inner workings, and engineer homemade cup speakers to manipulate the parts of the speaker. They identify that most speakers have the same parts–a magnet, a coil of wire, and a membrane. Students investigate each of these parts to figure out how they work together in the speaker system. Along the way, students manipulate the components (e.g. changing the strength of the magnet, number of coils, direction of current) to see how this technology can be modified and applied to a variety of contexts, like MagLev trains, junkyard magnets, and electric motors.

Life Science
Physical Science
Space Science
CT State Department of Education
Connecticut Model Science for Grade 8, 8.4 Earth in Space
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Humans have always been driven by noticing, recording, and understanding patterns and by trying to figure out how we fit within much larger systems. In this unit, students begin observing the repeating biannual pattern of the Sun setting perfectly aligned between buildings in New York City along particular streets and then try to explain additional patterns in the sky that they and others have observed. Students draw on their own experiences and the stories of family or community members to brainstorm a list of patterns in the sky. And listen to a series of podcasts highlighting indigenous astronomies from around the world that emphasize how patterns in the sky set the rhythms for their lives, their communities, and all life on Earth, and these are added to their growing list of related phenomena (other patterns in the sky people have observed).In the first two lesson sets (Lessons 1–5 and 6–7), students develop models for the Earth-Sun and Earth-Sun-Moon systems that explain some of the patterns in the sky that they have identified, including seasons, eclipses, and lunar phases. In the third lesson set (Lessons 8–12), students investigate a series of related phenomena motivated by their questions and ideas for investigations. In the final lesson set (Lessons 13–17), students explore the remaining questions on their Driving Question Board, related to planets and other objects farther out in space (beyond the stars they can see with the unaided eye).

Life Science
Physical Science
Space Science
CT State Department of Education
Connecticut Model Science for Grade 8, 8.5 Genetics
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This unit on genetics starts out with students noticing and wondering about photos of two cattle, one of whom has significantly more muscle than the other. The students then observe photos of other animals with similar differences in musculature: dogs, fish, rabbits, and mice. After developing initial models for the possible causes of these differences in musculature, students explore a collection of photos showing a range of visible differences.In the first lesson set, students use videos, photos, data sets, and readings to investigate what causes an animal to get extra-big muscles. Students figure out how muscles typically develop as a result of environmental factors such as exercise and diet. Then, students work with cattle pedigrees, including data about chromosomes and proteins, to figure out genetic factors that influence the heavily muscled phenotype and explore selective breeding in cattle. In the second lesson set, students use what they’ve learned from explaining cattle musculature to help them explain other trait variations they’ve seen. They investigate plant reproduction, including selective breeding and asexual reproduction (in plants and other organisms) and other examples of traits that are influenced by genetic and environmental factors. Students figure out that environmental and genetic factors together play a role in the differences we see among living things.

Life Science
Physical Science
Space Science
CT State Department of Education
Connecticut Model Social Studies for Grade 0 Kindergarten
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CSDE Model Curricula Quick Start GuideThe Organization and Alignment of Grade-specific CT Core Standards Equitable and Inclusive Curriculum  The CSDE believes in providing a set of conditions where learners are repositioned at the center of curricula planning and design. Curricula, from a culturally responsive perspective, require intentional planning for diversity, equity, and inclusion in the development of units and implementation of lessons. It is critical to develop a learning environment that is relevant to and reflective of students’ social, cultural, and linguistic experiences to effectively connect their culturally and community-based knowledge to the class. Begin by connecting what is known about students’ cognitive and interdisciplinary diversity to the learning of the unit. Opposed to starting instructional planning with gaps in students’ knowledge, plan from an asset-based perspective by starting from students’ strengths. In doing so, curricula’s implementation will be grounded in instruction that engages, motivates, and supports the intellectual capacity of all students.Standards-based Social Studies Instruction Standards-based social studies instruction at the kindergarten (K) through Grade12 levels can provide students with the critical content and skills they need to comprehend and impact the challenging and complex world they live in. High quality social studies instruction also allows students to appreciate and understand the cultures of all individuals and groups that reside in our state. Course Description:  In Kindergarten, students learn about roles and responsibilities in a community.  Students explore communities in the past and present, familiar places, and the roles of individuals and groups using disciplinary tools and resources that support planning and developing inquiries, gathering relevant information, and communication of knowledge and ideas about a community.Questions that should be answered in the course include:What makes a community?How do we learn about community?Aligned Core Resources:The selection of core resources is a local decision. It is imperative that curriculum be implemented using high quality instructional materials to ensure all students meet Connecticut’s standards. Ensuring alignment of resources to the standards is critical for holistic success. However, there are compilations of completed reviews from a variety of resources. Some of these include but are not limited to EdReports, Louisiana Believes, CURATE, and Oregon Adopted Instructional Materials. Connecticut is currently working on providing additional alignment guidance for the most frequently used resources across the state.   Additional Course Information:  Big ideas addressed in the course:Roles and Responsibilities Familiar Places and CommunitiesCommunities Past and presentHabits of Mind/SEIH/Transferable Skills Addressed in the Course: The skills you want students to master in their journey to success in college, career, and civic life (e.g., initiative, responsibility, perseverance, collaboration, empathy, respect).The Standards for Social Studies practice are aligned with the C3 Framework and follow the four dimensions of inquiry. The inquiry process is critical for framing the way students learn about history, geography, civics, and economics. The Inquiry Standards of practice describe the thinking processes, habits of mind, and dispositions that students need to develop a strong, critical, and courageous enduring understanding of Social Studies. Central to the C3 Framework is the Inquiry Arc, which frames the ways students learn social studies content. The Inquiry Arc established four dimensions of inquiry: (1) developing questions and planning inquiry, (2) applying disciplinary concepts and tools, (3) evaluating sources and using evidence, and (4) communicating conclusions and taking informed action. The C3 Framework also established four major disciplines in social studies—civics, economics, geography, and history—that form the basis of the second dimension of the Inquiry Arc and that all four major disciplines should be represented within social studies courses. Therefore, the following students should:Develop questions relevant to self, family, and school community. Apply disciplinary knowledge and practices to demonstrate an understanding of social studies content. Gather information to answer a question relevant to self, family, and school community. Use listening and consensus-building and voting procedures to take action in the classroom. It is important to note that the Social Studies curriculum units integrate social, emotional, and intellectual habits. This course will support the following Areas of Development and aim to incorporate learning experiences that will enhance the opportunity for students to: Develop a positive self-concept.  Self-Awareness  Sense of Self as Competent and capable Develop a positive attitude towards learning Sense of self as a learner  Curiosity and initiative  Cooperation during learning experiences  Identify and understand emotions of self and others  Identifying and understanding emotions  Empathy  Develop positive interpersonal relationships Social awareness and interpersonal skills Responsible decision making and problem solving Conflict resolution   Develop executive functioning skills Working memory and metacognition Cognitive flexibility  Manage attention and behavior  Develop logic and reasoning Please review the Components of Social, Emotional, and Intellectual Habits: Kindergarten through Grade 12 for more details. 

Material Type:
Full Course
CT State Department of Education
Provider Set:
CSDE - Public
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Connecticut Model Social Studies for Grade 0 Kindergarten, Communities Past and Present
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Unit Overview/Summary - FOCUS: Every community has a past, present, and a future. In this unit, Kindergarten students will explore the similarities and differences between their community’s past and the present. Students will utilize primary source documents such as newspapers, photographs, and artifacts, to generate questions about historical sources and explain how people lived in the past.  Unit Duration:20 days Two 30-minute sessions per week x 10 weeks-20 Days 

Material Type:
Unit of Study
CT State Department of Education
Provider Set:
CSDE - Public
Connecticut Model Social Studies for Grade 0 Kindergarten, Communities Past and Present, Unit 3 Overview: Communities Past and Present
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Unit Overview/Summary - FOCUS: Every community has a past, present, and a future. In this unit, Kindergarten students will explore the similarities and differences between their community’s past and the present. Students will utilize primary source documents such as newspapers, photographs, and artifacts, to generate questions about historical sources and explain how people lived in the past.  Unit Duration: 20 days Two 30-minute sessions per week x 10 weeks-20 Days 

Material Type:
Unit of Study
Connecticut Department of Education
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Connecticut Model Social Studies for Grade 0 Kindergarten, Familiar Places Within Communities
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Unit Overview/Summary - FOCUS:  Many communities have common places that are important to the people who live and work there. The people, places, features, and elements of each community are what make it unique. In this unit, kindergarteners will explore geography and economics in the context of their local community. Students will distinguish between land and water features on maps, create simple maps of familiar places, learn where goods and services that exist in their community come from, and describe the places connected to their lives using various representations.   Unit Duration:20 days Two 30-minute sessions per week x 10 weeks 

Material Type:
Unit of Study
CT State Department of Education
Provider Set:
CSDE - Public
Connecticut Model Social Studies for Grade 0 Kindergarten, Familiar Places Within Communities, Unit 2 Overview: Familiar Places Within Communities
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Unit Overview/Summary - FOCUS:  Many communities have common places that are important to the people who live and work there. The people, places, features, and elements of each community are what make it unique. In this unit, kindergarteners will explore geography and economics in the context of their local community. Students will distinguish between land and water features on maps, create simple maps of familiar places, learn where goods and services that exist in their community come from, and describe the places connected to their lives using various representations.   Unit Duration: 20 days Two 30-minute sessions per week x 10 weeks 

Material Type:
Unit of Study
Connecticut Department of Education
Date Added:
Connecticut Model Social Studies for Grade 0 Kindergarten, Roles and Responsibilities in a Community
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Unit Overview/Summary - FOCUS:  Every family, classroom, school, and town in Connecticut has diverse members. Each member plays an important role in making their community a better place. In this unit, Kindergarteners will learn how families, leaders, schoolmates, and everyday citizens aim to act responsibly and respectfully to uphold rules and laws. Kindergarten students will learn about collaborative efforts that create a harmonious and thriving community.  Unit Duration: 20 days Two 30-minute sessions per week x 10 weeks 

Material Type:
Unit of Study
CT State Department of Education
Provider Set:
CSDE - Public
Connecticut Model Social Studies for Grade 0 Kindergarten, Roles and Responsibilities in a Community, Unit 1 Overview: Roles and Responsibilities in a Community
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Unit Overview/Summary - FOCUS:  Every family, classroom, school, and town in Connecticut has diverse members. Each member plays an important role in making their community a better place. In this unit, Kindergarteners will learn how families, leaders, schoolmates, and everyday citizens aim to act responsibly and respectfully to uphold rules and laws. Kindergarten students will learn about collaborative efforts that create a harmonious and thriving community.  Unit Duration: 20 days Two 30-minute sessions per week x 10 weeks 

Material Type:
Unit of Study
Connecticut Department of Education
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Connecticut Model Social Studies for Grade 1
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CSDE Model Curricula Quick Start GuideThe Organization and Alignment of Grade-specific CT Core StandardsEquitable and Inclusive Curriculum  The CSDE believes in providing a set of conditions where learners are repositioned at the center of curricula planning and design. Curricula, from a culturally responsive perspective, require intentional planning for diversity, equity, and inclusion in the development of units and implementation of lessons. It is critical to develop a learning environment that is relevant to and reflective of students’ social, cultural, and linguistic experiences to effectively connect their culturally and community-based knowledge to the class. Begin by connecting what is known about students’ cognitive and interdisciplinary diversity to the learning of the unit. Opposed to starting instructional planning with gaps in students’ knowledge, plan from an asset-based perspective by starting from students’ strengths. In doing so, curricula’s implementation will be grounded in instruction that engages, motivates, and supports the intellectual capacity of all students.Standards-based Social Studies Instruction Standards-based social studies instruction at the kindergarten (K) through Grade12 levels can provide students with the critical content and skills they need to comprehend and impact the challenging and complex world they live in. High quality social studies instruction also allows students to appreciate and understand the cultures of all individuals and groups that reside in our state.Course Description:  In Grade 1, students explore democratic principles and values to understand their role in local, national, and global communities while recognizing the contributions of individuals and groups over time. Students use disciplinary tools and resources that support planning and  developing inquiries, gathering relevant information, and communication of knowledge and ideas about the roles and responsibilities of people in communities. Questions that should be answered in a course description include: How do individuals and groups contribute to their communities? How have people shaped their societies over time? Aligned Core Resources:   Core resources are a local control decision. It is imperative that curriculum be implemented using high quality instructional materials to ensure all students meet Connecticut’s standards. Ensuring alignment of resources to the standards is critical for holistic success. There are tools that are available to districts to assist in evaluating alignment of resources, such as CCSSO’s Mathematics Curriculum Analysis Project and Student Achievement Partner’s Instructional Materials Evaluation Tool.   In addition, there exist compilations of completed reviews from a variety of resources. Some of these include but are not limited to EdReports, Louisiana Believes, CURATE, and Oregon Adopted Instructional Materials. Connecticut is currently working on providing additional alignment guidance for the most frequently used resources across the state.  Additional Course Information:  Big ideas addressed in the course: Contributing in a Democratic Society Honoring Past and Present Global Communities Habits of Mind/SEIH/Transferable Skills Addressed in the Course: The skills you want students to master in their journey to success in college, career, and civic life (e.g., initiative, responsibility, perseverance, collaboration, empathy, respect). The Standards for Social Studies practice are aligned with the C3 Framework and follow the four dimensions of inquiry. The inquiry process is critical for framing the way students learn about history, geography, civics, and economics. The Inquiry Standards of practice describe the thinking processes, habits of mind, and dispositions that students need to develop a strong, critical, and courageous enduring understanding of Social Studies. Central to the C3 Framework is the Inquiry Arc, which frames the ways students learn social studies content. The Inquiry Arc established four dimensions of inquiry: (1) developing questions and planning inquiry, (2) applying disciplinary concepts and tools, (3) evaluating sources and using evidence, and (4) communicating conclusions and taking informed action. The C3 Framework also established four major disciplines in social studies—civics, economics, geography, and history—that form the basis of the second dimension of the Inquiry Arc and that all four major disciplines should be represented within social studies courses. Therefore, students should: Explain why a compelling question about community members is important to the student. Identify facts and concepts related to compelling and supporting questions. Determine the kinds of sources that will be helpful in answering compelling and supporting questions. Apply disciplinary knowledge and practices to demonstrate an understanding of social studies content. Gather information from one or two sources to answer a question about the roles and responsibilities of individuals and groups within and among communities. Evaluate a source by distinguishing between fact and opinion. Construct arguments with reasons. Construct explanations using correct sequence and relevant information. Ask and answer questions about arguments and explanations. Present a summary of an argument using print, oral, or digital technologies. Identify and explain a range of local, regional, and global problems, and some ways in which people can and are trying to address these problems. Use listening, consensus-building, and voting procedures to take action in the classroom. It is important to note that the Social Studies curriculum units integrate social, emotional, and intellectual habits. Please review the Components of Social, Emotional, and Intellectual Habits: Kindergarten through Grade 12 for more details. 

Material Type:
Full Course
CT State Department of Education
Provider Set:
CSDE - Public
Date Added:
Connecticut Model Social Studies for Grade 1, Contributing in a Democratic Society
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Unit Overview/Summary - FOCUS:   Communities in Connecticut aim to engage in and advance democratic principles. In this unit, first graders will seek to understand the role of democratic principles in local, national, and many global communities. Students will explore their role in classroom procedures as well as examine the rules and roles of the communities that they are engaged in.  Students will also create and analyze compelling questions about communities, identify facts to answer compelling questions, and determine the sources needed to answer the questions. Unit Duration:20 days Two 30-minute sessions per week x 10 weeks  

Material Type:
Unit of Study
CT State Department of Education
Provider Set:
CSDE - Public
Connecticut Model Social Studies for Grade 1, Contributing in a Democratic Society, Unit 1 Overview: Contributing in a Democratic Society
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Unit Overview/Summary - FOCUS:   Communities in Connecticut aim to engage in and advance democratic principles. In this unit, first graders will seek to understand the role of democratic principles in local, national, and many global communities. Students will explore their role in classroom procedures as well as examine the rules and roles of the communities that they are engaged in.  Students will also create and analyze compelling questions about communities, identify facts to answer compelling questions, and determine the sources needed to answer the questions. Unit Duration: 20 days Two 30-minute sessions per week x 10 weeks  

Material Type:
Unit of Study
Connecticut Department of Education
Date Added:
Connecticut Model Social Studies for Grade 1, Global Communities
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Unit Overview/Summary - FOCUS: Various communities exist throughout the world.  In this unit, first graders will explore local, state, national, and global communities. Additionally, students will acknowledge the role that they play as individuals in the global community, examine how disasters (natural or human) can change the physical aspect of a place, inquire about how people within communities change their interaction with the community, and examine trading systems within and between communities. Unit Duration: 20 days Two 30-minute sessions per week x 10 weeks 

Material Type:
Unit of Study
CT State Department of Education
Provider Set:
CSDE - Public