This version of the subject Technology Dynamics and Transition Management was taught …
This version of the subject Technology Dynamics and Transition Management was taught in co-operation with the Harbin Institute of Technology in China. At the heart of this module lies a model of technology development from a social perspective, which will be applied to water problems in present-day China.
Companies and governments have to decide upon technological strategies, i.e. which products …
Companies and governments have to decide upon technological strategies, i.e. which products are to be developed and which processes and infrastructures are required for the future. Several tools to consider technological strategies are dealt with in this course.
Learn the basics of process design for biobased products. From feedstock to …
Learn the basics of process design for biobased products. From feedstock to biomaterials, chemicals and biofuels.
As fossil-based fuels and raw materials contribute to climate change, the use of renewable materials and energy as an alternative is in full swing. This transition is not a luxury, it is has become a necessity. We can use the unique properties of microorganisms to convert organic waste streams into biomaterials, chemicals and biofuels.
This course provides the insights and tools for biotechnological processes design in a sustainable way. Five experienced course leaders will teach you the basics of industrial biotechnology and how to apply these to the design of fermentation processes for the production of fuels, chemicals and foodstuffs. Throughout the course, you will be challenged to design your own biotechnological sprocess and evaluate its performance and sustainability. The undergraduate course includes guest lectures from industry as well as from the University of Campinas in Brazil, with over 40 years of experience in bio-ethanol production. The course was a MOOC in a joint initiative of TU Delft, the international BE-Basic consortium and University of Campinas.
Next to their master all TU Delft students can specialise in sustainable …
Next to their master all TU Delft students can specialise in sustainable development. This course is one of the requirements for the specialisation. It consists of a full-time week of guest lectures and workshops which takes place on a boat, and a group assignment to solve sustainable problems.
Computability Theory deals with one of the most fundamental questions in computer …
Computability Theory deals with one of the most fundamental questions in computer science: What is computing and what are the limits of what a computer can compute? Or, formulated differently: "What kind of problems can be algorithmically solved?" During the course this question will be studied. Firstly, the notion of algorithm or computing will be made precise by using the mathematical model of a Turing machine. Secondly, it will be shown that basic issues in computer science, like "Given a program P does it halt for any input x?" or "Given two program P and Q, are they equivalent?" cannot be solved by any Turing machine. This shows that there exist problems that are impossible to solve with a computer, the so-called "undecidable problems".
Doelstelling van dit college is een introductie te geven in de theorie …
Doelstelling van dit college is een introductie te geven in de theorie van de Thermodynamica, een van de fundamentele werktuigbouwkunde vakken. De Thermodynamica behandelt energie vraagstukken en relaties tussen de eigenschappen van materialen. In dit college wordt voor een ingenieurs aanpak van de Thermodynamica gekozen: onderwerp van studie zijn systemen en hun interactie met de omgeving. Naast gesloten systemen krijgen open systemen veel aandacht. Thermodynamica wordt, in combinatie met stromingsleer en warmte- en stofoverdracht, ingezet om bijvoorbeeld automotoren, turbines, compressoren, pompen, elektriciteit opwekkinginstallaties, cryogenische-, koel- en klimaat-installaties en duurzame energieconversie installaties te analyseren en ontwerpen. De beginselen van de Thermodynamica maken het mogelijk om de ontwerpen van energie gerelateerde werktuigbouwkundige apparaten en systemen te optimaliseren voor het betreffende doel.
De thermodynamische relaties voor compressibele stoffen en de fasendiagrammen voor pure stoffen …
De thermodynamische relaties voor compressibele stoffen en de fasendiagrammen voor pure stoffen worden behandeld. Enkele voorbeelden van toestandsvergelijkingen worden behandeld (de viriaal vergelijking, vergelijkingen met twee constanten en vergelijkingen met meerdere constanten). De grootheden Helmholtz energie en Gibbs energie worden geintroduceerd. De Gibbs vergelijking is de basis om tot een beschrijving van evenwichten (van mengsels) te komen. De condities van evenwicht van pure componenten en van mengsels wordt afgeleidt. Uitgaande van de totale differentialen worden partiele afgeleide uit gedrukt in termen van thermodynamische grootheiden. Voor de berekening van processen, zo als compressie, expansie enz worden uitdrukkingen afgeleid voor delta h, delta s en delta u (waarbij delta voor de deviatie="departure" van ideaal gas gedrag staat). Het wordt getoond hoe deze uitdrukkingen (of dimensieloze diagrammen van deze grootheden) voor de berekening van processen gebruikt kunnen worden. Ook wordt de grootheid exergie gepresenteerd, een grootheid die gebaseerd is op de tweede hoofdwet van de thermodynamica, tezamen met enkele nuttige grootheden en hulpmiddelen voor het uitvoeren van exergie analyses (exergie verlies, exergie rendementen, waardediagram). In dit college wordt de definitie van exergie beperkt tot de thermo-mechanische exergie. Het principe van het stoomturbine kringproces wordt getoond en mogelijkheden voor de optimalisatie van dit kringproces worden besproken, zoals de keuze van stoomdruk en -temperatuur en de toepassing van stoomoververhitting en -herverhitting.
The idea behind topological systems is simple: if there exists a quantity, …
The idea behind topological systems is simple: if there exists a quantity, which cannot change in an insulating system where all the particles are localized, then the system must become conducting and obtain propagating particles when the quantity (called a “topological invariant”) finally changes.
The practical applications of this principle are quite profound, and already within the last eight years they have lead to prediction and discovery of a vast range of new materials with exotic properties that were considered to be impossible before. What is the focus of this course?
Applications of topology in condensed matter based on bulk-edge correspondence. Special attention to the most active research topics in topological condensed matter: theory of topological insulators and Majorana fermions, topological classification of “grand ten” symmetry classes, and topological quantum computation Extensions of topology to further areas of condensed matter, such as photonic and mechanical systems, topological quantum walks, topology in fractionalized systems, driven or dissipative systems.
Traffic processes cause several problems in the world. Traffic delay, pollution are …
Traffic processes cause several problems in the world. Traffic delay, pollution are some of it. They can be solved with the right road design or traffic management (control) measure. Before implementing these designs of measures, though, their effect could be tested. To this end, knowledge of traffic flow theory is needed.
This course discusses fundamental traffic flow characteristics and traffic flow variables. Their …
This course discusses fundamental traffic flow characteristics and traffic flow variables. Their definitions are presented, and visualization/analysis techniques are discussed and empirical facts are presented. The empirical relation between the flow variables and the bottleneck capacity analysis are discussed. Shockwave analysis and a review of macroscopic traffic flow models are presented. Traffic flow stability issues are discussed as well as numerical solution approaches. The lectures also show how macroscopic models are derived from microscopic principles. This course provides an overview of human factors relevant for the behavior of drivers. The car-following model and other approaches to describe the lateral driving task will be discussed. The lectures also pertains to general gap acceptance modeling and lane changing. Microscopic models for pedestrian flow behavior are discussed and an in depth discussion of microscopic simulation models will be presented. The study goals of this course are to gain insight into theory and modeling of traffic flow operations, to learn to apply theory and mathematical models to solve practical problems and to gain experience with using simulation programs for ex-ante assessment studies.
The objective is to get insight and practice in the design and …
The objective is to get insight and practice in the design and use of mathematical models for the estimation of transport demand in the framework of major strategic transportation planning. The course consists of a number of lectures and several exercises in OmniTRANS.
1. Objectives of modelling in transport and spatial planning. Model types. Theory …
1. Objectives of modelling in transport and spatial planning. Model types. Theory of travel and locational behaviour. System description of planning area. Theory of choice models. Aggregate and disaggregate models. Mode choice, route choice and assignment modelling. Locational choice modelling. Parameter estimation and model calibration. Cases and exercises in model application; 2. Role of models in transportation and spatial systems analysis; model types; designing system description of study area (zonal segmentation, network selection); role of shortest path trees; 3. Utility theory for travel and location choice; trip generation models, trip distribution models; applications; 4. Theory of spatial interaction model; role of side constraints; distribution functions and their estimations; constructing base matrices and estimating OD-tables; 5. Theory of individual choice models; 6. Disaggregated choice models of the logit and probit type for time choice, mode choice, route choice and location choice; 7. Integrated models (sequential and simultaneous) for constructing OD-tables; 8. Equilibrium theory in networks and spatial systems; 9. Route choice and assignment; derivation of different model types (all-or-nothing model, multiple route model, (stochastic) equilibrium model); assignment in public transportation networks; analyses of effects; 10. Calibration of parameters and model validation; observation, estimation, validation; estimation methods; 11. Individual exercise computing travel demand in networks; getting familiar with software; computing all transportation modelling steps; analyse own planning scenarios; writing a report.Study Goals: 1. Insight in the function of mathematical models in transportation and spatial planning; 2. Knowledge of theoretical backgrounds of models; 3. Knowledge of application areas of models; 4. Ability to develop one's own plan of analysis for model computations; 5. Ability to apply models on planning problems; 6. Ability to present outcomes of model computations.
This course will focus on basic technologies for the treatment of urban …
This course will focus on basic technologies for the treatment of urban sewage. Unit processes involved in the treatment chain will be described as well as the physical, chemical and biological processes involved. There will be an emphasis on water quality and the functionality of each unit process within the treatment chain. After the course one should be able to recognize the process units, describe their function and make simple design calculations on urban sewage treatment plants.
You will learn the physics behind nuclear science, how to gain energy …
You will learn the physics behind nuclear science, how to gain energy from nuclear fission, how nuclear reactors operate safely, and the life cycle of nuclear fuel: from mining to disposal. In the last part of the course, we will focus on what matters most in the public debate: the economic and social impact of nuclear energy but also the future of energy systems.
Are you an urban planner, designer, policy maker or involved or interested …
Are you an urban planner, designer, policy maker or involved or interested in the creation of good living environments?
This course will broaden your scope and diversify your take on the field of urban planning and design. We will focus on a unique Dutch approach and analyze how it can help those involved with urban planning and design to improve the physical environment in relation to the public good it serves, including safety, wellbeing, sustainability and even beauty.
You will learn some of the basic traits of Dutch Urbanism, including its:
contextual approach; balance between research and design; simultaneous working on multiple scale levels. You will practice with basic techniques in spatial analysis and design pertaining to these points. You will also carry out these activities in your own domestic environment.
This course is taught by the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at TU-Delft, ranked no. 4 in Architecture/Built Environment on the QS World University Rankings (2016).
All the material in this course is presented at entry level. But since the course has an integral perspective, combining planning and design aspects, it can still be relevant for trained professionals who feel they lack experience in either field.
The lectures will discuss characteristics of urban water flows, hydraulics, hydrology and …
The lectures will discuss characteristics of urban water flows, hydraulics, hydrology and how to apply knowledge of these phenomena to the design and analysis of urban water systems. Integration of various scientific disciplines and technological and practical approaches is a central theme in this course.
Students will design an urban drainage system for a real case in the Netherlands or abroad using the Rational Method. They will use this design as input for a hydrodynamic computer model and perform model calculations for various conditions to check the performance of the designed system and improve where needed. They will prepare a written report of their data, design choices and results and present main results in a plenary session that concludes the lecture series.
Students obtain basic knowledge of the multidisciplinary aspects of the use of …
Students obtain basic knowledge of the multidisciplinary aspects of the use of undergrounds space. Based on knowledge about the characteristics of several construction technologies they are able to asses their applicability in different situations. This may be different geological or physical conditions. They are able to analyze and structure the complex decision making process that is related to the use of underground space and define an integral approach
With the continue scaling of transistor feature sizes, VLSI chip density continue …
With the continue scaling of transistor feature sizes, VLSI chip density continue increases. This results in a continue increase in the complexity VLSI technology where it has reached the point where billions of transistors are integrated on a single chip (like it is the case for System on Chip). To guarantee the satisfaction of the customers, the produced VLSI chips have to be reliable and fully tested. Verification testing and production testing represents 50 t0 60% of the cost of making VLSI chips, and are now the biggest cost of the technology. It has been known for a while that tackling the problems associated with testing VLSI chips at earlier design stage levels significantly reduces testing cost. Thus it is important for hardware designers to be exposed to concepts of VLSI testing which can help them design better product at lower cost.
Does your business need a make-over? Are you unsure how to start? …
Does your business need a make-over? Are you unsure how to start?
Having an innovative business model is key for a profitable business and growth. In this business and management course, you will learn how to design, test and implement new business models for sustainable success.
This course introduces you to the main topics of business model innovation. You will learn what drives business model innovation and why it is valuable to you and your business. You will apply practical tools to (re)design and test a business model.
Be inspired by real-life business model examples from fellow entrepreneurs and learn from leading experts who design business model innovations. By the end of this course, you will be able to structure your thinking and communicate your business model ideas and learn how to improve your own business.
How can we ensure the continuous supply of the increasingly scarce raw …
How can we ensure the continuous supply of the increasingly scarce raw materials that are needed to make the products we use every day? In this course, we will look at the potential benefits of circular procurement and how recycling technologies and more efficient ways of collecting and recycling critical raw materials (CRMs) can make your business and production more resource resilient.
A good number of the materials found in everyday products are now referred to as “critical”. This means that there is a risk of failure in their supply and that they are also critical in terms of economic importance.
Many metals, for instance, are already critical or could become critical in the near future due to their limited availability and the growing demand for products worldwide. Think of the newest electronic products that contain critical metals such as gallium, which is used in integrated circuits; beryllium, used in electronic and telecommunications equipment and permanent magnets and germanium found in infra-red optics.
Innovative product design and reusing, recycling and remanufacturing products can help to deal with a raw materials shortage. But this can only provide an integrated solution if we keep CRMs in the loop through smarter CRM management. The starting point is to identify CRMs in products. It is not always clear what materials are in which products. It is, therefore, necessary to keep all metals in the loop for as long as possible.
Scarcity in the supply chain can not only damage businesses but also negatively impact economic development and the environment. For this reason, the course will also discuss environmental issues and electric and electronic waste regulations.
This course will be of value to a wide range of professionals working in or interested in this field. These include professionals involved in producing products containing CRMs (such as electronics) as well as local or national government officials tasked with organizing waste management and recycling for these products. Students interested in the field of waste management will also find this course helpful for their studies in electronics, industrial design, and industrial ecology.
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