Students examine the anthropological perspective of human culture, including such institutions as …
Students examine the anthropological perspective of human culture, including such institutions as kinship, politics, and religion, and evaluate the interrelationship between culture, environment and biology. Students explore the effects of globalization on culture while developing critical thinking skills through the application of essential anthropological approaches, theories, and methods.Login: guest_oclPassword: ocl
The course treats: the discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), the Fast Fourier Transform …
The course treats: the discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), their application in OFDM and DSL; elements of estimation theory and their application in communications; linear prediction, parametric methods, the Yule-Walker equations, the Levinson algorithm, the Schur algorithm; detection and estimation filters; non-parametric estimation; selective filtering, application to beamforming.
Het vak Digitale Systemen laat de eerstejaarsstudent kennis maken met de verscheidenheid …
Het vak Digitale Systemen laat de eerstejaarsstudent kennis maken met de verscheidenheid aan specificatietechnieken en synthese bij het ontwerp van digitale systemen. Onderwerpen die worden behandeld zijn o.a.: getalstelsels, Booleaanse algebra, 2-level en multi-level netwerken, minimalisatietechnieken/tools, timing, hazards; sequentiële systemen, Moore/Mealy machines, FSM; specificatie, modellering, simulatie en synthese m.b.v. VHDL; datapad besturingsmodel, synthesemethodieken en tools, realisatie m.b.v. FPGAs.
The course focuses on three main dredging processes: the cutting of sand, …
The course focuses on three main dredging processes: the cutting of sand, clay and rock, the sedimentation process in hopper dredges and the breaching process
The purpose of this course is to convey knowledge of the various …
The purpose of this course is to convey knowledge of the various physical processes associated with slurry handling and transport during dredging. This knowledge is needed for the design of dredging equipment and for planning efficient equipment operations. The various processes are discussed and theories and simulation models that describe the processes are presented and compared during the course. The course can be broken down into four elements: 1. Pumps and engines a. Pump characteristics and cavitation b. Influence of particles on pump characteristics. 2. Hydraulic transport in pipelines a. Two-phase (solid-liquid) flow through pipelines b. Newtonian slurries c. Non Newtonian slurries d. Inclined and long pipelines. 3. Pump and pipeline systems a. Operation point and areas b. Production factors. 4. Case studies
The course provides the technological background of treatment processes applied for production …
The course provides the technological background of treatment processes applied for production of drinking water. Treatment processes are demonstrated with laboratory experiments.
Deze cursus biedt inzicht in besluitvorming en bedrijfsvoering op inleidend niveau; en …
Deze cursus biedt inzicht in besluitvorming en bedrijfsvoering op inleidend niveau; en biedt inzicht in de basisbegrippen van de micro- en markteconomie; Na het volgen van deze module kunt u: 1)basisbegrippen en theorieĚÇn van de micro- en markteconomie toelichten; 2)belangrijke concepten en theorieĚÇn toepassen op eenvoudige situaties; 3)elementen uit de discipline herkennen in concrete voorbeelden van besluitvorming en management
MAIN AIMS OF THE MODULE: To achieve an understanding and practical experience …
MAIN AIMS OF THE MODULE: To achieve an understanding and practical experience of key principles, methods and theories in the area of educational software. LEARNING OUTCOMES FOR THE MODULE: The module provides opportunities for students to develop and demonstrate knowledge and understanding, qualities, skills and other attributes in the following areas: 1) Obtain understand of major learning principles, theories, and approaches 2. Identify key factors of successful educational software design and deployment. 3) Apply theories, principles, and approached into an appropriate design of educational software system. 4) Establish an appreciation of state-of-art developments in the area of educational software design. MAIN TOPICS OF STUDY: The main topics of study considered in light of the above learning outcomes are: Educational Principles Design of educational software such as electronic instruction manuals, serious gaming, VR training, drills, and tutor agents and tutorials Educational software for specific learners such as children, elderly, mentally or physically challenged individuals CEvaluation of education software.
After this course the student can: Understand mechanical system requirements for Electric …
After this course the student can: Understand mechanical system requirements for Electric Drive Understand and apply passive network elements (R, L, C), laws of Kirchhof, Lorentz, Faraday Understand and apply: phasors for simple R,L,C circuits Understand and apply real and reactive power, rms, active and reactive current, cos phi Describe direct current (DC), (single phase) alternating current (AC) and (three phase) alternating current systems, star-delta connection Understand the principle of switch mode power electronic converters, pole as a two quadrant and four quadrant converter Understand principles of magnetic circuits, inductances and transformers
European gas and electricity markets have largely been liberalized. Due to the …
European gas and electricity markets have largely been liberalized. Due to the specific physical characteristics and public interest aspects of electricity and gas, and to the fact that the networks continue to be natural monopolies, these markets require careful design. In this class, it is analyzed what the market design variables are and how the ongoing process of market design depends on policy goals, starting conditions and physical, technical and institutional constraints. In addition, a number of current policy issues will be discussed, such as security of supply, the CO2 emissions market, the integration of European energy markets and privatization. Participation in a simulation game, in which long-term market dynamics are simulated, is mandatory.
Elementary Ergonomics is an introduction to basic physical ergonomics theory and practice …
Elementary Ergonomics is an introduction to basic physical ergonomics theory and practice for students of other - than Industrial Design Engineering of Delft University of Technology - institutes for higher learning, such as Dutch universities, universities of EU and non-EU countries, and universities of applied sciences. The course consists of the following topics: anthropometry (1D, 2D, 3D including digital human modelling), biomechanics, and comfort.
Furthermore, the role of user involvement in the design process (evaluation of existing products and environments and of created concepts, models and prototypes) will be explained. Moreover, the meaning and representation of use cues in product design will be highlighted.
The main topics of study considered in light of the above learning …
The main topics of study considered in light of the above learning outcomes are:Research philosophy (e.g. positivism, empiricism, naturalism)Formulating empirical research questions and conceptual research modelsCausality effects and relationshipsValidity and ReliabilityScales of measurement (e.g. nominal, ordinal, interval, ratio)Sampling methods (e.g. experiment, survey, observations) and measure instruments (e.g. Likert scales, semantic differential, event versus time sampling)Experimental design (e.g. within and between-subjects, factorial design, counter-balancing, Latin square)Biases in empirical research approaches (e.g. confounding variables, statistical power)Data preparation (e.g. standardization of data, reliability analysis, Inter-rater reliability)Hypothesis testing, t-test, (M)ANOVA, correlation, regression analysisNon-parametric approaches to data analysis
English 101 focuses on the analysis of basic human issues as presented …
English 101 focuses on the analysis of basic human issues as presented in literature with an emphasis on analytic reading, writing and discussion, and on development of argumentative essays based on textual analysis, with attention to style, audience and documentation. By writing several analytical, thesis-driven essays which show engagement with and understanding of a variety of texts, students will practice the critical thinking, reading and writing skills which comprise an important component of college and university studies as well as clear, audience-appropriate communications in other professional settings.This class is comprised of a series of three units, each of which is centered around an essay assignment. For each unit, in addition to the essay itself, youŰŞll be asked to respond to reading assignments and to complete exploratory writing assignments. YouŰŞll do a lot of reading and writing, and your instructor will ask you to respond to ideas from our texts, from specific assignments, and from each other. Login: guest_oclPassword: ocl
Ontwerpen is een combinatie van logisch redeneren en het creatief combineren van …
Ontwerpen is een combinatie van logisch redeneren en het creatief combineren van bestaande technieken om tot nieuwe, innovatieve ideeen te komen. Een goede werktuigkundig ontwerper put zijn creativiteit uit kennis van een groot aantal bestaande werktuigbouwkundige systemen. Hoe groter die kennis, hoe groter de kans dat nieuwe, innovatieve ontwerpconcepten ontstaan. Vooral kennis over niet-conventionele techniek bevordert dit creatieve ontwerpproces.
Het doel van het vak Evolving Design is om studenten de onderhavige werkprincipes te tonen van een grote hoeveelheid niet-conventionele werktuigbouwkundige systemen. Er wordt hierbij zowel gekeken naar bijzondere ontdekkingen uit het verleden als uit het heden, met een blik op de toekomst. De ontwerpprincipes worden niet simpelweg opgesomd, maar geplaatst in hun fascinerende, historische ontwikkeling om te laten zien hoe de ontwerpers hun creativiteit en vernuft gebruik(t)en om goedwerkende oplossingen te vinden binnen de beperkingen van de beschikbare fabricageprocessen en beschermingsmogelijkheden (patenten). Veel oplossingen uit het verleden zijn klaar om te worden toegepast in de technologie van de toekomst!
Het vak richt zich primair op het kwalitatief beschrijven van de werkprincipes van bestaande technologieen, met de nadruk op bewegende mechanische constructies. Hoewel het kwantatief, in detail uitwerken van de kracht-bewegingsvergelijkingen niet het hoofddoel van het vak is, zijn mechanische vergelijkingen wel essentieel als zij leiden tot een beter begrip.
This text, originally by K. Kuttler, has been redesigned by the Lyryx …
This text, originally by K. Kuttler, has been redesigned by the Lyryx editorial team as a first course in linear algebra for science and engineering students who have an understanding of basic algebra. All major topics of linear algebra are available in detail, as well as proofs of important theorems. In addition, connections to topics covered in advanced courses are introduced. The text is designed in a modular fashion to maximize flexibility and facilitate adaptation to a given course outline and student profile. Each chapter begins with a list of student learning outcomes, and examples and diagrams are given throughout the text to reinforce ideas and provide guidance on how to approach various problems. Suggested exercises are included at the end of each section, with selected answers at the end of the text. Lyryx develops and supports open texts, with editorial services to adapt the text for each particular course. In addition, Lyryx provides content-specific formative online assessment, a wide variety of supplements, and in-house support available 7 days/week for both students and instructors.
Continuation of JPN101. There is also a worksheet packet to go with …
Continuation of JPN101. There is also a worksheet packet to go with this text. It is meant to be used in language classroom and not for self-study. Source file can be requested by e-mailing
The course "Fluid Flow, Heat and Mass Transfer," course number ta3220, is …
The course "Fluid Flow, Heat and Mass Transfer," course number ta3220, is third-year BSc course in the program of Applied Earth Sciences at Delft University of Technology. Students in this class have already taken a course in "Transport Phenomena" in the second year, and "Fluid Flow Heat and Mass Transfer" is designed as a follow-up to that class, with an emphasis on topics of importance in applied earth sciences, and in particular to Petroleum Engineering, groundwater flow and mining. In practice, however I start over again with first principles with this class, because the initial concepts of the shell balance are difficult for students to grasp and can always use a second time through. The course covers simple fluid mechanics problems (rectilinear flow) using shell balances, for Newtonian and power-law fluids and Bingham plastics. Turbulence for Newtonian fluids is covered in the context of friction factors for flow in pipes, flow around spheres and flow in packed beds.
General Biology is intended to leave the student with an integrated view …
General Biology is intended to leave the student with an integrated view of the living world including the nature of sciences, evolution of biological organization, composition and organization of living substances, metabolism, control, reproduction, heredity and ecological relationships. This class meets the A.A. degree lab science requirement in the State of Washington.Login: guest_oclPassword: ocl
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