Defined Learning Tasks and Clubs

by Lynn Erickson 3 months ago

Do you have after school or during school clubs? Consider using Defined Learning tasks in your clubs.  

I run an after school STEM club with grades 2 and 3.  Recently, the students completed the Carnival Game Designer task.  We modified the task and also included the engineering design process throughout the entire project.  Students brainstormed carnival games, decided upon a game they wanted to create, designed their game in a blueprint, and listed their materials. They built their games using recycled materials, tested their games and received feedback from their club members and used that feedback to make modifications to their designs.  They presented their work to administrators and teachers where they were invited to play the carnival games.  Attached are some pictures of their work. It was a great experience for everyone.  Note: this is a four week STEM club and it took three classes to do the project and the final class was the carnival.  

In our next STEM club, students will be completing the mini-golf course designer project.

We would love to hear how you are using Defined Learning tasks in your clubs/programs.






Heather Wertman 3 months ago

These ideas and pictures are great, Lynn! The timeline to complete the task with your 2nd and 3rd graders is beyond helpful too. 

I wanted to share some pictures of our carnival games that were created from this same task. These games were created to be enjoyed at a math family night event at the school.