Defined Learning Tasks and a Public Product

by Lynn Erickson 5 months, 3 weeks ago

In project based learning tasks, the work of students is publicly displayed, discussed, and critiqued.  What are some ways that you make the work of students a public product?

We have invited guests to classrooms where students "pitch" their work. Sometimes, these guests were present in the classroom while other times, our guests were invited and attended virtually.  

Additionally, there are other ways you can publicly display student work.  Consider using Flip (formerly Flipgrid) for students to present their work and have their peers leave feedback.  Join CILC (the Center for Interactive Learning and Collaboration) and connect with other classrooms from around the country.  Have students present to their new connection.  Consider having a PBL night and invite parents and the community to see student work and presentations.  

Please share your ideas. We would love to hear from you.  

Heather Wertman 5 months, 3 weeks ago

I love your idea of using "Flip" Lynn!! I haven't thought of using it but what a great suggestion!! 

If I can't bring in visitors or have a family/community night for the authentic audience(s), I usually have students to present to another class or grade. This proves to be effective every time for the students. 

Thanks for adding a "Tool" to my toolbox, Lynn!!!
