Lynn Erickson 7 months ago

Just a reminder to sign your class up for the Lt. Governor's Computing Challenge 2024.  You can find out more about the project here.  All submissions must be received by April 26, 2024.  Students do not need to know how to code to participate in the challenge.  For educators that want to do more with their students, the Lt. Governor's Computing Challenge has partnered with CodeJoy.  CodeJoy provides students with real-time, interactive virtual coding sessions focused on learning coding concepts and putting them into action during the live session. The next sessions are December 4-8. You can register here.

Heather Wertman 7 months ago

This sounds very interesting, Lynn! I was reading through some of the requirements. Do you think some of the Computer Science tasks in Defined Learning would "Spark" ideas for some of the coding and prototype sections of this? It sounds like the library of topics withing Defined could help support everyone to come up with ideas. 

I'd love to hear your thoughts and even some specfic examples if you could share your expertise with everyone. 

Thank you!



Lynn Erickson 7 months ago

I definitely think that there are many tasks that could spark ideas for the Lt. Governor's Computing Challenge.  Some of the STEM and Computer Science tasks that come to mind to promote the theme "Coding for Good" are the Environmental Engineer Plastic Pollution, Community Earthquake Preparation, People and Prosthetics, Marine Animal Rescue Team: Sea Turtle Rescue, and Video Game Coder: Games for School.