Research Geneticist: Stairs and Stars

by Kate Shaggy 8 months, 3 weeks ago

My class did Research Geneticist.  Mainly to tie in with our ELA program where the students were studying animal adaptations and then we shift to learning about characters and their influence in a story.

My Star was a brilliant yellow.  We began working through the slides and I'd stop them to discuss.  Kids were comparing nearly every physical feature.  The room was a buzz with learning enthusiasm.  Wait, we aren't to the great part, the following day, the kids came in still excited and wanted to tell me which of their 'body' parts matched their parent.  They thought it was the neatest thing! I loved it!


My Stairs: Yes, it's plural.  My first set of stairs was uploading my student roster to the platform.  In our meeting earlier in Hartford, I took note that I could try the google button, but I would need my district to approve the site and put it on My Apps, which we are using as a 'hub' of all of our district approved resources.  I sent the emails, but nothing happened.  So,  I did the slides, whole group. Students used notebook paper to answer the questions.  

My second set of Stairs, was that when I read through the slides, I was excited. But I wasn't viewing them from an 8 year old's perspective. They lost their "dazzle".  Next time, I'd remove some redundant slides. Ie video or written text. 

And something I did not do, was give the kids an option of the three choices. We had just finished graphing, in mathematics, so I felt it was a great way to test their knowledge of graphing. Either a bar graph or a pictograph.  This worked well for my current group.  The rubrics was great. I adapted it a little. 


Cheryl Tokarski 8 months, 3 weeks ago

Thanks for posting this Kate. I love that you were able to tie this into your ELA program! And I love that the kids were so enthusiastic about the work - really brought a smile to my face when I read how they were applying their learning to themselves!!

Thanks again for sharing!