PBL Advice

by Lynn Erickson 9 months ago

What is one piece of advice you would give someone that wanted to implement project based learning in their classroom?

Hope Mulholland 8 months, 4 weeks ago

PBL requires more planning time ahead of the lessons, but if the routines and activities are planned well, it gives teachers back valuable time to meet with students in small groups and as individuals.

My advice would be to spend time on practicing the independent routines so that students don't need as much teacher guidance. Then use your time with students to give feedback and even grade students' work with them. 

Also, if you build out a structure for a Project Based Learning, then you can reuse that same structure and routines for other PBL activities throughout the year. 



Carlie Brandt 8 months, 4 weeks ago

I agree with Hope! Often times, we may assume our students understand the expectations, especially if we have gone over them repetitively. However, they really just need time to "practice" and "experience" the routine/structure before the teacher can truly use that as valuable time to meet with other students.  


Carlie Brandt 8 months, 4 weeks ago

I always recommend breaking down a performance task instead of starting with it as all or nothing. Pick a task and start with just a video or two, followed by a discussion or exit ticket. Make it simple to start with and then build on the steps.

First, for example (in Defined Learning), choose your first task and just share the Introduction video & Real-World Connection video/check-in questions to reference and assist students with making deeper connections.

Then, the second time around, choose a different task and do the above steps, as well as adding on new steps: a GRAS video and sharing the research resources with students, etc... and each time, keep building on more steps.

Lynn Erickson 8 months, 3 weeks ago

I always enjoy reading the various blogs found on Defined Learning.  Here is one that focuses on 5 Tips for Getting Started with Project Based Learning.  I love the idea of frequently reviewing the rubric with students.  

I would also recommend collecting artifacts of student work as exemplars for future projects.  It provides students with examples of what to expect with the project.