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  • Delft University of Technology
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The course contents is general knowledge of the system Earth, tools for the 3D geometric representation of geological objects and methods and techniques for the recognition of fundamental minerals and rocks. The Geology 1 course is composed of three parts dedicated to 1) general knowledge of the system Earth, 2) tools for the 3D geometric representation of geological objects and 3) methods and techniques for the recognition of fundamental minerals and rocks.

Physical Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Delft University of Technology
Provider Set:
Delft University OpenCourseWare
Dr. G. Bertotti
Date Added:
Geoscience: the Earth and its Resources
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0.0 stars

Are you fascinated by Geosciences and willing to take the challenge of predicting the nature and behavior of the Earth subsurface? This is your course!

In a voyage through the Earth, Geoscience: the Earth and its Resources will explore the Earth interior and the processes forming mountains and sedimentary basins. You will understand how the sediments are formed, transported, deposited and deformed.

You will develop knowledge on the behavior of petroleum and water resources.

The course has an innovative approach focusing on key fundamental processes, exploring their nature and quantitative interactions. It will be shown how this acquired knowledge is used to predict the nature and behavior of the Earth subsurface.

This is your ideal first step as a future Geoscientists or professional to upgrade your knowledge in the domain of Earth Sciences.

Physical Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Delft University of Technology
Provider Set:
Delft University OpenCourseWare
Prof. dr. Giovanni Bertotti
Date Added:
Global Software Engineering
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0.0 stars

Software engineering operates ever more frequently in globally distributed settings, in a practice that is known as Globally Distributed Software Engineering (GDSE). In this course, you will obtain a practical overview of the organization and operation of software engineering of this practice. As such, it is aimed at professionals in distributed software development teams, and executives setting up and leading such teams who would like to develop the required technical and organizational skills.

The course covers the subject in an accessible and practical manner. Through video lectures, group assignments and exercises, you will be familiarized with the advantages and disadvantages of GDSE, the practical consequences of GDSE and its technological feasibilities and infeasibilities. You will learn about real-world experiences of users and examples of GDSE applications such as outsourcing, offshore software development, near-shoring and multi-partner systems development.

You will apply the knowledge gained through hands-on experience with GDSE by working together with team members from different countries as a distributed team; and through analysis of best-practice examples. Together with other course participants you will prepare a number of artefacts that build on the body of knowledge of GDSE and so have the chance to contribute to this growing field of knowledge.

Guest lectures from industry experts and researchers will be an integral part of the course. These lectures will demonstrate how GDSE is handled in industry, how decision-makers lead their teams in this context, and what is the state-of-the-art in GDSE research

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Delft University of Technology
Provider Set:
Delft University OpenCourseWare
Prof.dr.ir. Rini van Solingen
Date Added:
Hello (Real) World with ROS
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0.0 stars

Are you interested in taking your first steps in robotics? Do you seek a practical approach and want to learn by doing? Join our course and learn how to program a complete real-world robotic system with ROS!

The Robot Operating System (ROS) enables you to quickly build robotic applications through access to a large set of open-source software and tools. Over the years, ROS has become the essential tool for roboticists. A large community surrounds ROS and there has been extensive input from industrial users in the development of these tools.

Many of the new advanced robot capabilities for manipulation, perception, and navigation have been developed using ROS. Companies such as Airbus and Boeing are using ROS for several of their applications. And Delft University of Technology’s Team Delft Robotic System won two challenges at the Amazon Robotics Challenge 2016 with robots developed with ROS.

In this course, you will learn to use different ROS tools to create a complete robotic application. You will be working with your own standalone Ubuntu-Linux installations and with industrial and mobile robots on the physics-based simulation engine, Gazebo. You will learn to program and configure basic robotic tasks such as pick-and-place objects, and navigate through obstacles. You will then integrate all this knowledge to build an industrial production line with two robotic arms and a mobile robot.

Applied Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Delft University of Technology
Provider Set:
Delft University OpenCourseWare
M. Baioumy
dr. C.H. Corbato
dr. M. Bharatheesha
ir. G.A. van der Hoorn
prof.dr.ir. M. Wisse
Date Added:
How to Design a Successful Business Model
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0.0 stars

Do you want to start or grow your own business, go international, or avoid bankruptcy?

In this business and management course, you will learn the key steps to take to design or innovate your own business model. You will learn about the trade-offs to be made, and the design issues that are critical for a viable and sustainable business model.

This course will help you answer questions like, how do I create a simple business model in a structured way, how do I engage my users and how do I create value for my customers as well as revenue for my company.

Applied Science
Business and Communication
Material Type:
Full Course
Delft University of Technology
Provider Set:
Delft University OpenCourseWare
Dr.ir. G.A. de Reuver
Dr.ir. T.I. Haaker
Prof.dr. W.A.G.A. Bouwman
Date Added:
The Human Controller
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"The Human Controller" presents and discusses design and evaluation issues of human-machine interaction. The focus is on understanding human perception-action couplings (limitations, preferences, adaptation) and on quantifying control behavior of humans in the direct manual control loop of vehicles, robots or other man-made tools. Case studies from automotive, aviation, medical and tele-operation applications are discussed, with a special focus on the importance of including and enhancing haptics (=the sense of touch) during manual control.

Applied Science
Material Type:
Lecture Notes
Delft University of Technology
Provider Set:
Delft University OpenCourseWare
Dr.ir. D.A. Abbink
Date Added:
Hydrological Measurements
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0.0 stars

Relation of purpose of data to data requirements. Relation of data to costs.
Accuracy requirements of measurements and error propagation:
Related to a problem the required accuracy of measurements and the consequences for accuracy in the final result are discussed. Different types of errors are handled. Propagation of errors; for dependent and independent measurements, from mathematical relations and regression is demonstrated. Recapitulated is the theory of regression and correlation.
Interpretation of measurements, data completion: By standard statistical methods screening of measured data is performed; double mass analysis, residual mass, simple rainfall-runoff modelling. Detection of trends; split record tests, Spearman rank tests. Methods to fill data gaps and do filtering on data series for noise reduction.
Methods of hydrological measurements and measuring equipment: To determine quantitatively the most important elements in the hydrological cycle an overview is presented of most common hydrological measurements, measuring equipment and indirect determination methods i.e. for precipitation, evaporation, transpiration, river discharge and groundwater tables. Use, purpose and measurement techniques for tracers in hydrology is discussed.
Advantages and disadvantages and specific condition/application of methods are discussed. Equipment is demonstrated and discussed.
Areal distributed observation: Areal interpolation techniques of point observations: inverse distance, Thiessen, contouring, Kriging. Comparison of interpolation techniques and estimation of errors. Correlation analysis of areal distributed observation of rainfall
Design of measuring networks: Based on correlation characteristics from point measurements (e.g. rainfall stations) and accuracy requirements the design of a network of stations is demonstrated.

Physical Science
Material Type:
Lecture Notes
Delft University of Technology
Provider Set:
Delft University OpenCourseWare
Dr.ir. A.M.J. Coenders
Date Added:
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0.0 stars

-De hydrologie van Nederland in historisch perspectief en de rol van de mens daarin (de vroege geschiedenis; waterbeheersing van af het begin van de 17e eeuw; grote werken);-Hydrologie van Nederland (geologie; neerslag en verdamping; oppervlaktewater; gro

Physical Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Delft University of Technology
Provider Set:
Delft University OpenCourseWare
H.H.G. Savenije
Date Added:
Hydrology of Catchments, Rivers, Deltas
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The course deals with the principles of hydrology of catchment areas, rivers and deltas. The students will learn:

1). to understand the relations between hydrological processes in catchment areas
2?. to understand and to calculate the propagation of flood waves
3). to understand hydrological processes in deltas
4). to draft frequency analysis of extremes under different climatological conditions.

Physical Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Delft University of Technology
Provider Set:
Delft University OpenCourseWare
H.H.G. Savenije
Date Added:
Hydromechanica 1
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0.0 stars

In dit college wordt een introductie gegeven van een groot aantal facetten van de scheepshydromechanica en hun onderlinge samenhang zoals die later in de studie meer als geisoleerde onderwerpen aan bod komen. Behandeld worden: de hydrostatica, de geometrie beschrijving van het schip, inleiding lijnenplan, het begrip stabiliteit, de stabiliteit van drijvende lichamen, eenvoudige stabiliteit berekening bij kleine helling hoeken, de weerstand van lichamen onder water en aan het oppervlak, eenvoudige weerstand benaderings methoden voor schepen, de model wetten in de hydromechanica, de extrapolatie methode van Froude, de lift van een vleugel, de vleugel karakteristieken, de toepassing hiervan bij voortstuwing en bij scheepsschroeven, de schroef karakteristieken en een eenvoudige schroef berekening, en tenslotte de fysica van het zeilen en zeilvoortstuwing. Leerdoelen De student kan: 1. de basis van systeem analyse beschrijven (buitenwereld, interfaces, beperkingen, objecten, relaties enz.) 2. maritieme systemen zoals schip/motor/schroef beschrijven en modelleren met behulp van beperkte systeem analyse methodologie; eenvoudige maritieme systemen modelleren door onderverdeling in subsystemen en componenten 3. evenwicht condities van maritieme systemen bepalen en kwalitatief analyseren 4. de definities en belangrijkste karakteristieken van weerstand, voortstuwing en manoeuvreren (snelheid, weerstand, vermogen, RPM, draaicapaciteit) begrijpen en toepassen 5. de relaties tussen algemeen vloeistof dynamica en scheepshydromechanica (bijv. lift/aerodynamica/zeilen; visceuze stroming/Reynolds getal/volgstroomvelden/voortstuwingsrendement; laminair & visceuze stroming/weerstand; niet visceuze stroming/golf patronen/weerstand) beschrijven 6. de achtergrond van de belangrijkste schaal regels (Newton, Froude, Reynolds) d.m.v dimensie analyse uitleggen 7. schaalregels voor schaalmodel experimenten in een sleeptank toepassen en potentiĚÇle complicaties identificeren

Physical Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Lecture Notes
Delft University of Technology
Provider Set:
Delft University OpenCourseWare
P. de Jong
Date Added:
Hydromechanica 3
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0.0 stars

Fenomenologische beschrijving van de stroming om een schip classificatie van weerstandscomponenten en parametrische methoden voor de berekening van de scheepsweerstand. Daarnaast wordt uitgelegd hoe de scheepsweerstand experimenteel bepaald kan worden.

Voor scheepsschroeven wordt aangegeven hoe de complete geometrie beschreven kan worden, hoe de stuwkracht en koppel uit een parametrische beschrijving kan worden berekend m.b.v. een systematische schroevenserie en via een ideaal stromings model (actuator schijf). Een introductie in cavitatie (vorming van waterdamp gebieden) is onderdeel van de cursus.

Physical Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Delft University of Technology
Provider Set:
Delft University OpenCourseWare
Prof.dr.ir. T.J.C. van Terwisga
Date Added:
Hyperloop: changing the Future of Transportation
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0.0 stars

Is Hyperloop really worth the hype? Is this passenger pod levitating in a vacuum tube a viable alternative to curb the environmental impact of current modes of transport?

This revolutionary and more sustainable mode of transportation for passengers or freight can reach speeds of over 1000 kilometers per hour (600mph), decreasing travel time significantly. For example, one could go from Amsterdam to Paris in 30 minutes instead of 4 hours, or from New York to Washington in 25 minutes instead of 3 hours.

Have you ever wondered how levitation works? How would passengers feel? What will infrastructure costs be? Is the Hyperloop concept technically and commercially viable?

Regardless of your background, this course will teach you how this technology works and will prove why it is worth investing in. Key topics include the core concepts behind Hyperloop, current developments in the technology, the future solutions Hyperloop will offer and the problems it faces.

Through discussions with fellow participants and critical thinking you will form your own vision and develop your own ideas about this exciting new technology and its future.

This course is for anyone interested in the Hyperloop concept. For those seeking more in-depth knowledge, or wanting to pursue a career or conduct research in this field, the course provides additional resources.

This course has been designed by the Delft Hyperloop Dream Team, winners of the SpaceX Hyperloop Pod Competition in 2017 and runners up in 2018. This award-winning team consists of TU Delft students, international experts and partner companies who will also share their expertise.

Applied Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Delft University of Technology
Provider Set:
Delft University OpenCourseWare
B. Meeuwissen
D. Ulijn
Date Added:
Inclusive Energy Systems: Exploring Sustainable Energy for All
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0.0 stars

For the first time in history, the number of world citizens without access to electricity services has dropped below one billion, but still more than 2.8 billion people lack access to clean and affordable cooking fuels. Access to clean, affordable and reliable energy services for all world citizens is a precondition for the achievement of many other Sustainable Development Goals, such as health and economic development.

The provision of sustainable energy services for all is not just a technological challenge or one confined to developing countries. Industrial and post-industrial societies also need to address issues of energy poverty and energy injustice.

Rather than tackling the technological dimension of the formidable challenge to provide an inclusive energy system with renewable and climate-neutral energy resources, this course will focus on its social and institutional dimension. Introduction to the principle of the 4 As of energy services – Accessibility, Availability, Affordability, and Acceptability (environmental and social) will enrich your perspective as an engineering professional. Balancing these four critical and interdependent criteria is a recurrent challenge for individuals and society as a whole, as the characterization of the four As evolves with economic development and changing societal preferences.

You will learn how the rules of the game as defined in laws, regulation and market designs impact the balance between the 4As. Using a wider socio-technical systems perspective you will discover new solutions for the inclusive provision of energy services beyond the purely technological solutions.

After this course you can engage in a richer, more informed debate about how to achieve an inclusive energy system. You will be able to translate this knowledge into strategies to serve society’s future energy needs. The cases presented from developed and developing countries will help you to develop and test your analytical skills. Interviews with industry leaders shaping the energy system will challenge you to reflect on the position these leaders take and the interests they serve.

Lastly, you will put yourself to the test by demonstrating your newly acquired knowledge and skills as a strategic policy advisor, in writing guidelines for a strategic action plan for the energy system and institutional context which are relevant for you, in your company, your city or your country.

Applied Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Delft University of Technology
Provider Set:
Delft University OpenCourseWare
Prof.dr.ir. Margot Weijnen
Date Added:
Industrial Biotechnology
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0.0 stars

As fossil-based fuels and raw materials contribute to climate change, the use of renewable materials and energy as an alternative is increasingly important and common. This transition is not a luxury, but rather a necessity. We can use the unique properties of microorganisms to convert organic waste streams into biomaterials, chemicals and biofuels.

This course provides the insights and tools for the design of biotechnology processes in a sustainable way. Five experienced course leaders will teach you the basics of industrial biotechnology and how to apply these to the design of fermentation processes for the production of fuels, chemicals and foodstuffs.

Throughout this course, you will be challenged to design your own biotechnological process and evaluate its performance and sustainability. This undergraduate course includes guest lectures from industry as well as from the University of Campinas in Brazil, with over 40 years of experience in bio-ethanol production. The course is a joint initiative of TU Delft, the international BE-Basic consortium and University of Campinas.

Applied Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Delft University of Technology
Provider Set:
Delft University OpenCourseWare
Prof. dr. Isabel Arends
Prof.dr. Patricia Osseweijer
Prof.dr.ir. Henk Noorman
Prof.dr.ir. Luuk van der Wielen
Prof.dr.ir. Sef Heijnen
Date Added:
Influencing Stakeholders: Dealing with Power and Dynamics in Teams and Networks
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0.0 stars

Engineers have unique skills that give them the potential to be highly competent business leaders. As leaders, engineers have clear advantages: they are analytical, technically skilled, project-based, good with numbers and well-used to problem-solving. However, engineers cannot rely on this skillset alone when exercising leadership in today’s world. Problems have to be solved within complex networks of stakeholders, each with their own dynamics, interests, perspectives and power.

In this course you will learn how to develop and apply an additional mindset. You will learn about power and interests in networks of autonomous actors. You will gain experience in leading groups and learn to define roles and norms. You will learn how to deal with group dynamics such as conflict and cooperation and how to motivate group members to ensure successful group performance.

This course helps you to answer questions such as: How should you deal with information asymmetry? How can you deal with resistance? How to build trust with stakeholders with different interests? We call this the influencing mindset – because you will have to operate in such a way, that your teams and stakeholders are motivated to support you.

The content of the course is diverse and includes videos, real-world assignments and practical skills such as negotiation and dealing with group issues.

Business and Communication
Material Type:
Full Course
Delft University of Technology
Provider Set:
Delft University OpenCourseWare
Gerdien de Vries
Prof.dr. Hans de Bruijn
Date Added:
Information Literacy I
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0.0 stars

During your studies you will frequently be asked to write a paper. For such a paper you will need information, but how do you get it? What exactly do you need? Where can you find it? How do you go about it? Almost anyone can use Google, of course, but more is expected of a TU Delft student!
We challenge you to go beyond using the popular search engines. This instruction will help you discover what there is to learn about information skills.

Applied Science
Information Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Delft University of Technology
Provider Set:
Delft University OpenCourseWare
Library TU Delft
Date Added:
Information Literacy II
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0.0 stars

This instruction follows on from the online instruction Information Literacy 1, in which you learned how to find, evaluate and use information. Today’s instruction is intended for advanced users.

Applied Science
Information Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Delft University of Technology
Provider Set:
Delft University OpenCourseWare
Date Added:
Information Literacy for Master's and PhD students
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0.0 stars

Welcome to this information literacy course for Master’s and PhD students. You probably already have some knowledge of information literacy, but if some of it has slipped your mind or if terms sound unfamiliar, this course includes links to information from the instructions for Bachelor’s students.

Writing your Master’s thesis involves a number of different phases. You cannot simply start writing! You will first need extensive knowledge of the general field of research, in order to see where your subject fits in.

Career and Technical Education
Material Type:
Full Course
Delft University of Technology
Provider Set:
Delft University OpenCourseWare
Education Support team
Date Added:
Inleiding Watermanagement
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0.0 stars

Hoofdpunten: De cursus geeft een kennismaking met infrastructuur voor Watermanagement. Voor Waterbeheer ligt de focus op ontwatering, afwatering, wateraanvoer en het ontwerpen van eenvoudige aan- en afvoersystemen. Voor Civiele gezondheidstechniek ligt de focus op Gezondheidstechniek en volksgezondheid, drinkwatervoorziening en Integraal waterbeheer. Leerdoelen: Begrip van basisopzet infrastructuur Watermanagement. Eenvoudige systemen kunnen ontwerpen.

Physical Science
Material Type:
Lecture Notes
Delft University of Technology
Provider Set:
Delft University OpenCourseWare
J. C. van Dijk
N.C. van de Giesen
Date Added:
Instaptoets Wiskunde
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0.0 stars

Parate kennis en algebraĚřsche vaardigheden die onderdeel uitmaken van het Vwo wiskunde B-examenprogramma worden opgefrist. Hierbij moet gedacht worden aan het handig manipuleren van goniometrische formules, bewerkingen met logaritmen, toepassen van de kettingregel, primitiveren, oplossen van vergelijkingen, enzovoorts.

Applied Science
Material Type:
Lecture Notes
Delft University of Technology
Provider Set:
Delft University OpenCourseWare
W.T.M. Caspers
Date Added: